This idea has been bubbling around my head for so many years that I sometimes regret never having fleshed it out into book form and possibly getting a film deal out of it.
I didn't start writing on it until 15 months ago.
The post where I wrote it hasn't been available for public viewing this entire time, but I'm opening it up to search engines and public viewing today 2/8/22 so you can see when I had the idea, which dates back to 2001.
And here is that foreword I wrote in Nov 2020 and just now opened up to public. It will click out to that blog page.
And the reason I'm opening that up now is because I finally realized what was bugging me about FunkyFatHead's Mandela problems. He's a famous youtuber who disappeared after filming a ton of funky Mandela effect and frequency portal vids, most of which have now been removed but other youtubers saved and occasionally repost and try to analyze whether his vids were real and possibly why he disappeared. This vid is my absolute fave, saved by DNA.
So when you go to both Funky's and DNA's channels and start piecing together what was happening via vid descriptions and many comments from people who'd been following the whole thing, you realize that the frequency experiments Funky had been doing must have somehow affected his local spacetime, which is exactly what the book I've been wanting to write since 2001 is actually all about.
You can quickly see I never added to that after the first post which links to the foreword. Real life, as always, exploded a bit around me and since that time I have two new grandbabies over the last year, and there was just no way to get my concentration back. However, I am in the mood to at least talk about it today, and I guess if anyone rips the idea off, fine, but I just want to get on record exactly what that idea is and how it can possibly apply to real life, because it was originally fiction. I have the entire first season fleshed out in my mind, and it is crazy.
Chapter 1 (and a TV pilot) would open looking at a guy in full hazmat gear who has just stepped through some kind of portal into... weird chaos. As the view pans around and we hear him interacting with a backup crew on the other side, we see a world in disarray. On the left is a jagged firestorm from an ancient war but nothing happening is following any kind of logical cause and effect. On the right is a peaceful farmhouse with clear blue sky and an old guy sneaking out looking around as if someone might be nearby watching, and stealthily hiding a container into an old hollowed stump used as a fence corner, sealing it off, and suddenly disappearing. The sounds all around are random and chaotic, but the old man seems completely unaffected by them. He reappears and replays every move over and over on the one side while the chaos continues on the other. In the middle of it all a weak sunrise tries to cut through the mess but sinks miserably backward.
Several people have come through the portal before and gone back, some could report what they'd seen before they went raving mad or died horribly, some simply sort of melted upon reentry into their own world. The ones who could give a verbal report before going into catastrophic fail all mentioned an old man hiding a container. The goal of the current guy coming through the portal was to get that container and bring it back for study, for lack of any other answers as to what was affecting all the previous visitors.
Oddly, with the old man replaying over and over, our guy, let's give him a name, how about Dan. Dan noticed he could move only slowly and very carefully, but he made his way to the fence in front of the farmhouse, and despite the old man seeming to look right at him as he glanced around during every replay, he never once reacted. It was like time was stuck in a loop, and the question was whether Dan would be able to interact with it and take the container. Well, he could, right after the old man placed it, but it didn't affect the replay at all. With container in hand, Dan turned back and slowly made his way to the portal, trying to find a pattern or maybe several patterns in the battle raging now ahead of him, and his back turned to the farmhouse, portal on the left. It was like there were little spots of sort of patterns, or maybe a very complicated layer of separate patterns all interacting with and affecting the others but still somehow resetting over and over. It was very hard to tell. Dan had several body cams running in his helmet and on his suit, so they could figure that out later.
Going back through the portal got Dan pretty sick, but aside from severe vertigo, throwing up a few times, and his body getting slicked up with sweat in the hazmat suit, he seemed to be fine. No going mental, no melting, no horrible other death.
One of the scientists gently lifted the container out of Dan's arms with a large insulated tong and carefully sealed it into a bigger container while other scientists immediately began getting readouts of both the container and Dan himself. He was definitely affected on many levels but his mental and physical integrity continued to hold. He'd been the only one to bring anything back, which opened up a buzz of speculation.
I'm not going into more detail on that scene since I'm not actually writing the book here, but that is the basic opening, and I was prepared to go full blown science all over it.
So as the first book/season develops, odd things start happening. At first it was clearly related to the container Dan brought back, and it was very local to a small area, but the first time loop started. Anyone could see a couple of fellow scientists in the lab repeating the same two hours over and over. The odd thing was that anyone could also walk through the area and not become locked into the replay, which several tried. That turned out to be a terrible mistake.
The next day when one of the lab techs didn't show up for work, another went to her house and discovered a replay going on of part of her night, including a boyfriend coming over and making out. That got a lot of attention, of course, and further experimentation with wild speculations about distance and time from the first replay among other things, but mostly the hair raising question of whether a person could contaminate themselves with a time skew and reset by casually interacting with one in the first place, meaning walking through a replay zone, since these first two zones didn't seem to overlap in any shape or form.
By the time you get several shows into the series, of course you've got a number of replay loops breaking out across a city, one in a high school, one in a restaurant, one in traffic, one in a hospital surgical room, etc, giving all kinds of opportunities to stretch the imagination with spacetime anomalies repeating themselves and all the possible relationships between them when they seemed to be separate incidents with their own internal replay lengths. It was only natural that the city started locking down and cordoning off all replay areas to keep anyone from interacting and dragging some kind of time contamination along with them. By about the fourth or fifth show in, we'd see a couple of scientists discussing whether a person would ever know they were caught in a replay loop, then panning out and realizing another bunch of scientists were watching them on a perimeter.
So we've got this really crazy scifi scenario set up, the next step is trying to logically explain it as scientifically as possible to an audience without much actual this kind of science to lean on.
Welcome FunkyFatHead.
If you were privileged to be able to go through Funky's vids in order before he disappeared and the majority of them were removed, like I was, you could easily see the development of Mandela effect happening in his home. There was a particular room where everything would be different from the rest of his apartment, as you can see in that vid I already shared. That room was also where he opened up a portal based on frequencies, which other people have also reported being able to do. DNA starts asking whether it's possible that once Funky started opening portals, perhaps it started affecting his local spacetime via overlapping worlds or realities.
This is where I intended to go with my Flat Time fiction. Over time in the book/TV series, it would become evident that the mini time vortices were like an illness that would eventually envelop the entire earth, just like the world where the container came from.
Oh, yeah, the container. 😂 WHAT IS IN THE CONTAINER? lol. And is it what's in the container causing all this, or is it the fact that the container itself is a time contaminant? Why did the old man feel the need to hide it? Can it be dismissed or is it vital to the problem? And, where is it? Is it stuck in a replay loop? Can it be accessed?
So anyway, by the second book/TV season, we'd be finding out about the mini vortices interacting and setting off all new complications and whole new sets of characters having to show up and take over the ongoing investigations as more and more groups of scientists wound up contaminated somehow. You can see this story developing so many questions that it could spin out for awhile into several vectors, way more complicated and compelling than The Walking Dead.
Where was I originally going with this? Oh yeah. What if it's real? What if Funky actually managed to do this? Maybe not as spectacularly as my fiction idea, but still along the same lines. What if opening up vortices across spacetime contaminates spacetime around it even when the vortices are no longer active?
Yes, I dare to ask. I've always been keenly interested in Funky's dilemmas.
Anyway, food for thought. I know, I just about completely stopped blogging and TV reviewing and everything. Still here, holding down the fort, holding the line. Some of you guys know my long obsession with particle accelerators going back to the 1930s. Some people are concerned about CERN. Get it? ConCERNed. Nevermind. I'm still obsessed but very distracted and probably won't get back to this for a long time. In the meantime, those of you still finding and reading everything I ever wrote, I'd love to hand out cookies and tacos or something, but now that I'm away from my tech more and more, I'm noticing when I come back to it that I really don't feel well sitting here too long, so I'd just rather leave again. Can't really blame 5G because it's always done this, maybe I'm sensitive to EMF or something. Sorry about that, but I'm just really enjoying not feeling gross all the time any more.
I really love thinking, I love you guys for reading, and whether anything ever comes of any of my ideas or not, it was fun being here sharing them. 😊
Now it's time to go start supper. Later, taters.
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