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-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Monday, December 28, 2020


I've been saying for awhile to go inside yourself. Have you guys tried that yet?

I grew up in two different worlds, one of restrictions put upon my thinking by people all around me, and one of complete freedom of experience and thought that I've rarely shared with anyone.

The dreams started very young. I can remember trying to tell my mom about a scary dream when I was probably as young as 3 or 4, and the dream was ignored while I was scolded and sent back to bed. To me it was real, and the most confusing part was walking through it to get to her because they both existed at the same time, and I wasn't verbal enough to describe it very well. Essentially, years later that dream was validated scientifically, and that cemented the feeling I'd always had about why I came back to be born in the family I was.

The thinking also started very young. By age 7 I was already questioning the validity of different church's beliefs not matching, about drove my mom crazy. I couldn't stop thinking about everything and what made things the way they were. Eventually I realized we create ourselves, and this reality is like a public school system where we practice learning things on each other without an inbuilt instruction manual.

The remote viewing excursions and the dreams of visitors showing me things are so part of my life that I can't remember them not happening. I was shown things in other places and sometimes in different worlds from tiny childhood. I was shown things about light and physics. I think a lot of us have been shown things and we either don't remember or don't talk about them for some reason. I was asking if anyone else was seeing nonrepeating geometric patterns in their eyelids years before 'downloads' hit alt mainstream. (That was an extrally weird month.)

The out of body experiences were pretty trippy sometimes. I knew I was floating out of my body by the time I was 8 or 9.

So in one world, everything seems solid and nailed down, and in the other world I can see and sometimes do what most people call the impossible and I cant help feeling it's more valid than the nailed down world. I've often come to conclusions and then run into the same conclusions in books and TV shows years after I thought them. Since I didn't share them, I concluded that ideas come to us all as if we are a group mind, and the individual minds that are ready are able to receive the ideas. I decided this because the ideas I saw this happening with seemed to be time-synched all over the world. I know this because I've been a prolific reader all my life, and my memory for things I've read has been outstanding.

Years later, I never dreamed I'd start seeing our entire world start to sync into these ideas and innerstandings. Almost everywhere I turn now, people are suggesting to look inside ourselves. I got the idea to do that as a child from a bible story.

Before I share the story, it's extremely important to know that children were regularly slaughtered as sacrifices to Baal, and that society back then was in a stranglehold over it. One man standing up to it had gone on a rampage against the state's spiritual leaders and was now desperately fearing for his life after being set up for murder by a powerful priestess queen and was hopeless as to what to do next, where to turn.

Did you catch that? After a ripping, sheering bolt ionized the air, cracked rocks open, and set the land on fire, there was a still, small voice. All this was after a 40 day journey into the wilderness on nearly nothing to eat and living in a cave. Was Elijah delirious? Did the physical lightning bolt rend (tear open) both his vision and his mind? Was he not able to hear that still small voice until that crazy mega zap freaked him right out of his depression and despair?

And when he heard the voice, he came out of the inside of the (Plato's) cave to deep dive into what was really going on inside himself.


Basically, the first question we all ask when we first start to wake up and realize who we really are and that we have the power to take responsibility for how we create the world to become.

And after all that and more, of course, Elijah ascended.

Elijah is the classic hero's journey in fifth density.

Elijah saw it all laid out, how to set up the future to brace it against the evil, followed through making sure it was all set up with the right people, and ascended. Rumor has it he'll be back for Revelations, which is *looks at clock* pretty soon now.

That still small voice is inward. Distraction is outward. When we turn inward, we see clearly and we know what to do.

Have you guys tried that yet?

I'm no sage. I've messed up my life as much as anyone. But once I figured out that it's not just stories and all this is real, I tried it. Once I finally got it through my thick head that I'm only waiting on myself to get a clue, I tried it.

Guess what.

It works.

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