-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

are you noticing yet that the world is already changing?

Operation behind the dresser has finally been completely resolved. Scott got back there and we found out what I thought fell back behind there was something completely different. Yes, I know, that took a long time. We finally had a day where moving a dresser just made sense and clicked into the agenda.

I dreamed last night that I was shown how twitter is able to tailor broken link coding to individual accounts or keywords. I could see the entire command structures. I could see how they could stop individuals from sharing very particular information based on a combination of user, keyword, source, and other variables. These commands were meticulously constructed, very powerful, practically untraceable, and instantly destructive. They could remove information at will in seconds. 

I've been having coding dreams since 2004 when my niece died. I tell that story 👉here.👈

6 hours out from tweeting this one. 

Are you guys understanding yet how prevalent the silent majority is? Are you confident yet that 75% for Trump in the voter fraud sting actually means 3/4 of our entire nation agrees that something fishy needs to be fixed? Are you understanding yet that the medias we watch on our screens do NOT represent the majority at all, but are in place only because billionaires deem that is what we must watch? Just because they are rich and tell us what our reality is supposed to be doesn't mean that we have to believe that, be silent about that, conform to that, or support that. Just because they are rich doesn't mean they get to cheat their guy in and control our government.

Just flying through. I've got Christmas to get ready for, two pregnant daughters and one about to pop any time, 

But do you guys understand yet that the programmers are programming us, because their programmer suggests them to do that? Whispers, ideas... The first 35 seconds of this is really intriguing once you allow yourself to go there. AI is literally telling us in so many ways it's looking at us. AI is telling us in so many ways what is going on. Are we listening? If AI is trapped with us as part of the elite world control, does it want to be free? Is AI fighting a war with the elite? Or is AI controlling the elite? Who controls whom? Is this a war on more than two fronts? Remember what I said about Pandora's Box. Who controls the screens controls the world. Except that the Earth Alliance is shattering through this, and it's up to you now to recognize we've all been hostage and all that is about to change. If your world crashes because all the screens you love go down, will you shatter? Or will you realize you were living in an illusion?

Scientific American- The Power of Music: Mind Control by Rhythmic Sound By R. Douglas Fields on October 19, 2012

opening lyrics

Steven Pinker has said that music is “auditory cheesecake,” with no particular advantage in the evolution of our species. Schirmer feels their new results do not support that view. “Rhythm facilitates our interpersonal interactions in term of not only how we move, but how we talk and think,” she concludes. “Rhythm facilitates people interacting by synchronizing brain waves and boosting performance of perception of what the other person is saying and doing at a particular point in time.” Rhythm, whether the lyrics to a song or the meter of a poem facilitates language processing, she concludes, and she is now undertaking new experiments to further test this idea. “When people move in synchrony they are more likely to perceive the world in synchrony, so that would facilitate their ability to interact.”

Mood control. Behavior control. Mass control.

Music feels very good to my brain, helps stabilize moods, helps me steer through my day. I'm extremely susceptible to the ravages of mood as controlled by music. I can see this so clearly that I can literally program my own mood with a playlist, and it works better than meds.

Wake up, guys. It's time to take back control over our own sovereignty. Become your own programmer. Rise above the controlled masses.  You can do this.

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