-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
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-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

lol watch the water


Odd coinkydink? Zim bonds being paid out, biggest 'waterfall' of wealth share and debt relief in human history, and NESARA/GESARA finally going through after decades of satanist globalists stopping it is, indeed, a victory.

They may be under gag orders, but this 👇 looks like an announcement to me. Hang on, going to get another screenshot with the timestamp and date on it.

I've been noticing other screens off and on over the last week, like a particular mountain on what looked like reservation land after the Native American settlements went out.

Dubai 1 & 2 funds have been paid into government, humanitarian, the General’s and Redemption Center Group accounts. Funds were completing allocation to Tier 1-4, while deliveries of CMKX, Farm Claims and Native American settlements has hit well over 30%, allowing the Shotgun RV release for Tier 4B.

click to read more

I'd love to be still sleeping, but the dream I woke up from was oddly specific about a real person I met a long time ago, and I feel like an opportunity may be being missed under the allusion of pressure to pick a side. (Not illusion, for those who don't know allusion is its own word. I don't mock, I believe there is a real death of language going on to confuse gen pop.) It may be wiser to simply flee the situation altogether, but this is as far as I'm going with advice.

Finally getting to that follow up appointment with sleep doctor today. Might pick up some ice cream afterward. And salad. Craving salads again lately.

I'mma watch the first thing that pops up and then go back to bed. This looks yum.

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