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Saturday, June 19, 2021

the maze


Baby arrived in good shape, everyone healthy. My stress level is slowly abating into relief.

Srsly considering a new blog specific to review blurbing. I've only ever done that with one other show.

I got a perfect score on a free hue test. Click snip to take it yourself. Heads up, didn't work on my phone.

If I had understood in my first world what I now know in my fifth world, I'd be ranked in the top thousand by now. As it is, I've enjoyed the last few days starting this latest world because the strategy options are off the hook when you know more about how the game works. Too bad we can't pull off simultaneous real lives to compare notes to and learn faster from. Or can we and we just don't know it? 🤔

I'm lately looking into this website. Brutal Proof – The Brutal Proof I'm concerned that sometimes truth can be exposed as lies when it's really truth twisted into sub truth and etc. I'm not sure yet that logic will uncover the truth of that site, or whether the truth is in the magickal use of the words and must be parsed with quantum grammar and syntax. When the baddies already have a policy of putting all their truth out there in plain site to begin with, relying on us being stupid enough to pass it by, thereby giving our silent consent for them to proceed, I imagine that could actually be displayed as activism against 'bad' truth sitting out there in public for all to see and walk past... Do you see the conundrum here? The activism itself may be the very panacea that keeps us docile, letting others take care of stuff while we walk past. 🤔 Wording is somewhat my forte. Perhaps I should take a little time going over that site and see what holes I can find.

Despite what you guys find in my blogs, I rarely take anything at all EVER on face value. Even when I share something, it's more of a "Here, let us think on these things" than omg look what I found. You may have noticed I put more credence into my own thinking than the thinking of others. Before I even found that site I was already fussing at Sacha in my mind, which is usually an unconscious red flag about things coming to light. But like I say, we are all human, we are all slaves, we are all indoctrinated, we are all trapped, and it's up to every single one of us to discern for ourselves what truth is. Personally, I don't feign to notarize what truth outside of myself may or may not be, and God knows I haven't always been mindful of my own truths, but I do think we all need to develop healthy criticisms of what we observe against what our hearts tell us, and if our hearts wind up being naive and gullible, then we need to take opportunities to grow into wiser souls.

For instance, covid. There is so much evidence from multiple sources that it cannot scientifically be demonstrated to be what it is purported to be, making it a null set from a certain logic, but then that same crowd will say a vaccine makes it more 'virulent'. See, these word games are what's causing the problem across the masses. Every time you null or void a word, definition, meaning, etc, and then leap to a way to bring it back into usage, you confuse the *cough* science *cough* until it's all meaningless when logic is applied. Likewise, a "proof" site supporting that kind of logic leaping also saying that good guys are bad guys and the proof is here here and here, my overall impression is why is one truth more logically sound than another? Because by logic, one proof negating logic pretty much negates the entire angle on 'truth'.

Many people aren't trained to think that deeply on things, and most of us are so brainwashed into super short attention spans via TV and music and constant ads breaking up our trains of thought that we can't see obvious clues right in front of us.

It may not matter who is "right" or "wrong" so much as "am I doing something positive and uplifting with my own life" or "am I using the time I have here wisely being good for other people" or "let's see what I can do to help myself become the person I always wished to be" kind of thing.

Turn it inward. Learn truth inside of yourselves. There is real truth inside all of us. Once you locate your own beacon, once you see your own light, no matter how dark you think your life and soul are, you no longer judge the rest out there. You observe, yes. You use context and experience to make better decisions, yes. But you no longer categorically state as judgements. Light shines on dark and exposes truth. It doesn't need judgement to do that.

The more of us who find our truths, the more easily we'll see the sham around us. It's very simple. They've kept us distracted so we won't look inside. They've kept us ignorant of ourselves being capable of finding our ways. They've kept us afraid of not having mentors, leaders, figureheads to lean on. They've kept us struggling so we won't feel confident.

Going way out of one's way to prove that someone is ultimately a baddie, and they might be for all I know, is just as distracting as the baddie pretending to be a white hat. Let the courts decide these things. Our world is so saturated with symbols that it's a wonder we aren't born spotted with them. We all coopt symbols quite by accident or nefarious design behind our backs, so I'm not going to rely on symbols to make blanket statement judgements. Neither will I defend them or argue about them.

One thing I decided on my own was not to trust people just because they sound correct or knowledgeable or fit whatever notion I have of sincereness. I know from experience and research that sincere people can believe without a doubt what they are saying is truth and yet live a complete lie, and that some people are actually directed to be this way via what I call brain training. We are a mass encultured society, we are all brain trained to automatically react to cues and triggers. On individual levels, going off track from enculturation gets some of us labeled with mental illnesses. When going off track becomes a new brain training program (i.e. political racism and gender issues), those who don't realize what is really going on become hostile. We are all inside the maze. Does it matter what color paint winds up on our fur as long as we are all trapped?

We. Are. All. Trapped.

Learn the codes, learn the comms, learn the real histories, learn to see the maze.

Because they are constantly showing it to us.

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