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Tuesday, December 1, 2020


There are people in this world who are utterly uninterested in science fiction, which is fine. I happen to prefer science fiction and have leaned that way since I was very young, so I see it as a sort of brain thing. Scifi fits my brain. It's not a good or bad thing, it's just a thing.

For those wondering what the difference actually is between science fiction as opposed to just fiction, it can boil down to one word, technology. Quite often the character development and relationships are about the same as regular fiction, but the plot becomes enhanced or even very entangled with technology happening around the characters in addition to their development and relationships.

Some people think of spaceship shows or futuristic scenarios when they think of scifi, but that isn't necessarily the case. Scifi is tech becoming a main player along with the characters, part of the plot device for how their story rolls out. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. For instance, if characters are working in a tech facility in any capacity, it's not science fiction if that tech has nothing to do with the characters progressing in their story, it's just a background, like scenery. It's a description. But the second the characters respond to a tech situation that becomes a catalyst in the story, that is scifi. In my mind, scifi basically boils down to tech-motivated storytelling.

The hardest part of science fiction storytelling is plausible science. It doesn't have to be workable in our current reality as long as the premise holds water with the overall story. You can't just make up on the fly tech plot devices and have audience believability. You need to know a little bit about the sciences you snag for stories. If you know nothing about mechanics and physics, for example, and fumble through a scene that makes no logical sense, your readers/viewers will 'break' from the story and eventually think you a hack if that continues.

I have waited nearly 30 years for science that backs up an idea I had for a story. The logic is finally here. Now I wish I'd written it out sooner, because it's holding water. Yes, it was that crazy that I didn't think I could ever share it without becoming a laughing stock. But I am autist, I've been able from a very young age to see things in my mind that are way ahead of the sciences we see coming out over time.

As much as I'd love to share writing it out in real time, it's something that could be easily stolen, so pray that I stay motivated to get this fleshed out over the coming year. Once the story can stand on its own without someone ripping it, changing and adding to it, and profiting on it before I'm finished, I'll probably just publish it for free alongside merching it for anyone who wants to own a copy.

Anyone who has read my 2-3 million words across spacetime, you know I'm good for this being a solid idea with strong integrity. Not your mama's scifi.

Pray. The distraction is strong in this brain. 🙏💖

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