-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

can't force this horse to drink that kind of dream koolaid


So round 3 thousand 8 hundred and seventy-one of someone systematically going through all my blogs and checking all of them pingpingpingping back to back within the same minute, and the dreams were off the hook last night. They weren't scary but it was like I was drugged and very interactive. Three different times I tried to wake up enough to get up out of bed, and every time was like instant back to sleep and I NEVER do that, even on meds to make me sleep.

Since I'm watching another trail, I just wanna remind us all that I was predicting future internet in 2013. Yeah, I dunno if this is the kind of stuff someone might be looking for but you know I'm good for documentation and timestamping. It's all out there. Just find it and read it. You don't need to be messing around in my head. I don't hold back on that kind of stuff. Well, for all I know this might be more than one faction.

What the heck, I don't think I have a backup copy of that dream, maybe I'll just paste it over here. Remember, this was nearly ten years ago.

Once in awhile I have mind blowing computer dreams that make our current devices look pretty Flintstone. Last night was one of those nights.

The first part of the dream was about a whole new interactive site for all ages and interests, the ultimate everything you ever wanted in a website thing. It was like getglue and twitter and facebook and blogging and forums and music blogs and youtube and live streams and game sites and just everything imaginable designed to present and interact in a way you've never seen before, so intuitive and easy to use that I just fell in love with it and now what I wake up to looks ridiculously like retro 60s Barbie or something.

The user platform used a different kind of tech, kind of like a 3D hologram interface (which I've dreamed before over several years, but never this detailed, you can see the beginnings of holodeck tech at Here Comes the Holodeck), and the touch of a fingertip could grab exactly what you wanted with a thought, based on some kind of electron info sharing. I'm not skeptical at all, if you can control fake limbs and remote control monitors with your thoughts (it's real tech), why not extend that to figuring out how tech responds electronically to our weak radio signals from our brains? Anyway, the whole loading speed and networking tools were just gone, out of the way, internet had been completely remodeled and the goodies on the other side were like Christmas. Facebook and twitter were gone, swallowed up in this new interactive user site, everything either got absorbed or pushed aside, and the end result was the most fabulous internet experience I've ever had. It's hard to describe, but I can say that every surface was internet capable and you could activate anywhere, you didn't have to spend ungodly amounts on devices, software, and services any more because it was just in everything. On the flip side, TVs were gone.

The last part of the dream I was in a local theater for a city celebration of some kind, and the seats reclined all the way back to see a giant screen on the ceiling where videos made by locals were playing. And these were no ordinary videos. Tech had changed to the point where anyone could make top quality HD home video just like one guy can make a full band with a synthesizer, and remember those stupid cheap 70s effects you used to be able to do like split screen and pixilate and whatevs? This was awesome, you could wrap one person at a time in a 3D effect, or even multiple effects, create 3D popouts, make it look so real and choreographed that Hollywood could have done it, and it was just local people having fun. It was like local theaters had turned into the hotspots for get togethers and parties in between occasional blockbusters (got the feeling those were kinda rare given the huge advances in tech), and I loved it, was like being inside a youtube party with people you know and all the perks of being a theater.

My words do not do any of these visions justice.

Will these things come true? I've been having strange prophetic computer dreams since a very dear young lady died 9 years ago. We used to sit up together through the nights on our computers because she was afraid to go to sleep. I was almost computer illiterate and she (a child) would taunt me with funny things that she made happen with html. I begged her to tell me her secrets, but she never did. This went on for a couple of years and she finally died. After she died I had a dream where I asked her to show me her secrets now, and I started having computer dreams. I never studied an html tutorial. I hate tutorials. If I want to know something I first dream about it, then do a 3 second search and find exactly what I want, then do it. My dreams get pretty fantastic. I've been inside a computer and seen how the electrons flow. I've been in alt possibilities where some computer ideas never got off the ground that would have rocked the world. I've woken up confused thinking oh yeah, I forgot I made that website, but I never did. And I've dreamed of the future several times. I've seen movies and games that haven't been made yet, I've seen tech that doesn't exist yet, and I've always come awake feeling like it was so real that I couldn't believe it's not here yet. Remember how fast the last ten years changed? Put your seatbelts on and hang on. The next ten years might be pretty surprising, certainly the next twenty. Don't mourn change, because from what I've seen, it gets pretty awesome.

It's coming.

I honestly could not tell you why in the world I'm able to dream that kind of stuff, especially coming from years of the level of brain fail I glitched into. In 2013 I was still laboriously struggling on regaining coherent sentence structure and typing with really dark sunglasses on with all the curtain drawn because light was still hurting my eyes so bad. That's right, every letter and word I got out to public was against ridiculous amounts of pain and fail.

I miss my pinky account so bad. I know I was in a rough crowd, but they got me in ways no one else on this earth ever did. I miss the fun we had.

Oh look, another computer dream from 2015. 

Just had another one of my computer dreams, so I'll try to write this as fast as possible before I forget.

The public kiosks were columns, like cylinders with tough metal protectors painted darkish purple. About chest height (to whatever I was) opened up to a screen laid over the lower half of the column, above it closed back up and the column continued upward a little ways. The monitor was very different from our standard, no search bar, and it took me awhile to find the back button when I hit the wrong order of instructions, so I think it was like different symbolism until my own real brain started interacting and didn't recognize something, and suddenly the symbols looked more like ours and I started waking up.

The keyboard was very different, too, monitor and keys were somehow the same thing. Nothing on the keyboard or screen went beyond darkish blues, purples, and black, I don't remember any other colors at all. If I used this hex chart, most of the 3 quads beyond lower right would be completely gone, and there would be holes in the lower right because lighter colors couldn't be seen.

There was no alphabet, just symbols, way fewer keys than ours arranged in two sets between a short upper row of function keys and an even shorter bottom row of another kind of function keys. I remember pressing certain keys that were marked with certain colored symbols in a very particular order and pulling up the coolest infograph ever that I can't even describe, it was like words and colors were the same thing.

The best part of the whole dream- the hard drive was pure liquid, in a tank beneath the keyboard/screen, couldn't see it because of the darkish purple metal cylinder casing, but I knew it was liquid. I'm not sure what was above in the continuing cylinder, but it still had something to do with the whole computer system, like an energy drive. All the cylinders were spaced out across distances, all were public, almost like telephone booths mixed with info kiosks mixed with computer cafes mixed with cell phone tech.

I had never heard of liquid hard drives, so now I'm looking them up, and it's a thing.

The liquid hard drive that could store a terabyte of data in a tablespoon of fluid


This totally gives credence to the Xindi-Aquatic in the Enterprise series being one of the most advanced races.
What the heck was this.

Just got this funny visual.

"Jeebus counts, it's slang." ~tally mark~

"No!" Slams mug on table, sloshing drink. "It has to be your NAME! You can't go around changing the rules after you make the rules!"

"You're just jelly because no one ever calls you Lucie or something." Takes a drink.

"I hate this game." Glowering across the dark bar over the half empty mug.

Humming under breath, makes another tally, flips filled paper over pad for fresh paper.

Breaks pencil, throws broken pieces, swallows the rest of the drink, angrily shatters mug all over post-it with a few dozen tally marks.

"Well, you're the one who picked the fancy name. I can't help it if everybody thinks my name makes a better swear than yours does."

"I'm done playing this stupid game, I'm going back to work."

Gently puts away paper pad and pencil, neatly swallows rest of drink. "To arms, then?"

"You idiot." Glowers out of the bar.

Pencil quietly makes more tallies in pocket.

Lol, oh yeah. 😄 Jesus and Lucifer walk into a bar. Wait, how do I still have this font change....

I'm tired, I should go to bed.


More mood.

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