I think I'm starting to get my head pretty clear. I've had a lot of options and opportunities and directions and differences and agendas to weigh and find wanting, and as far as I can tell, I was on my own right path in the first place anyway, and all the rest was huge distraction.
"The truth is cynicism is about intent while stoicism teaches the understanding of reality for what it is. Many religions and philosophical traditions teach not to look at reality for what it is. Instead, they teach us to reshape reality based on what it should be."
I'm not into isms, but I do have to admit that cynicism is about as close to an ism as I get because I don't believe stoicism is truly honest. Perceptions of reality are so colored by local experience that the only way you can interpret discussion about it is through asking what the motivations are. In the end, reality sifts down to Who am I?, What do I want?, and How do I get what I want? Contentment is a lie because it allows us to ignore reality around us. Disruption wakes us up from our ruts, which can be likened to dreamy stupors, and action is how we define what level of reality we're willing to tolerate. Reality to each one of us is very personal. The problem lies in how easily people are put into dreamy stupors that's messing it up for the rest of us who are awake and pissed that our realities have been so disrupted that our own survival depends on the those in dreamy stupors.
Imma paste over my two old posts that actually used the word cynicism.
I'd probably be a really tough college professor
This is my brain on antibiotics. I've gone to plaid.
I suppose I might have lost a few people in that last post.
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click for 15 Jokes Only Philosophy Geeks Will Understand |
People have been arguing about what and who the cattle of Bashan are for time out of mind. Years ago during the writing of my paper, I found a very rare document that described actual wild cattle that ran loose in the mountains of Bashan, with great long horns, untamable to the point where they would shred domesticated cattle to bits with their horns if they came across them. One hardly needs to go into lengthy allegory with that visual.
I have a fondness for a movie called Equilibrium, loosely based on the Orwellian novel 1984. (Funny, calling an Orwell work Orwellian, a mild faux pas kind of chuckle.) Without boring us all, it's pretty much about the literal opiate of the masses, as it were, layered with the purging of human expression. The whole point is government control.
We are living in a golden age of human expression, on the cusp of mass inebriation with entertainment being the drug, a delightful causal loop I hope philosophy students can appreciate. We are so addicted now to entertainment saturation that we don't know what to do with ourselves if we are not somehow involved in either experiencing it, fabricating it, interacting with it, or creating it. The industry pimps and pushers make money on it, no doubt, but behind the boardrooms and off the books are the unofficial content editors. One example that springs to mind is the rumored Stanley Kubrick debacle.
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click to see Movies In Color |
I stopped feeling shocked by anything years ago. Of course good people are really bad guys, or, to say it more correctly, bad guys wind up in good people jobs. It makes total sense that a judge is a secret pedophile, or that a cop is a rapist, or that a nurse contributes to an underground baby racket. Of course governments make quiet deals with drug and sex traffickers. The whole not negotiating with terrorists thing prompting homeland security to oversee and synchronize local police forces is only one of many necessary steps in a very long history of growing pains in this world. I said during a private discussion the other day that all governments arose from crime lords taking over and protecting their territories. We could go a step further and say we are all owned by one system lord or another, in pyramid schemes that go back at least a thousand years. The latest in fashionable 'truth' is that we have nearly reached that fabled balance of world powers that Orwell painted out for us. So... and then what? Some believe it must be congealed into a new world order so that we can stop all this silly continual war stuff, but the fight is over who will ultimately shape that final world order before we lock into an equilibrium state of world idealism, because idealism isn't the same thing from one part of the world to the next.
There is one truth behind all other truths- them vs us. As long as we keep falling for the them vs us thing, there is no hope for this world, no matter who you are or what you believe. Them vs us will always be the mechanism by which we are controlled. It's so simple to grasp, yet so difficult to accept. Every time we fall for the hate game, we propagate agendas we probably don't actually believe in going on at much higher levels.
Let us consider that we are being conditioned to become dependent on daily crutches for our lives. One wild inconsistency I've wrestled with is an 'official' program telling me what is healthy for me to eat, insisting that I must eat like that in order to be a healthy person, but if I actually eat like that, I get very sick. In order to handle being very sick, I need medications to help me live with the problems that healthy eating causes me.
Did that make any sense? Whole grains being supported as a major food source in a diabetic guideline is a joke. Whole grains are a huge worldwide business. Coming from relatives who helped build the breadbasket of America, I've gotten to hear first-hand discussions on how tightly regulated the grain industry has become around genetically modified super seeds and the people who are getting wealthy off the monopoly over a food source (it's illegal to plant non-approved unpatented seed), squeezing out natural selection and creating legal battles over 'heirloom' planting. I see all kinds of political wrangling going on over food transport tariffs and labeling while people are starving to death in some parts of the world. Most of all, I'm watching a nation of diabetics keep shoveling breakfast cereals into their poor bodies while they can't understand why they can't seem to get some kind of control back over their lives. *I* did. Why can't they?
Gluten aside, modern grain sucks and here's why
Top 11 Biggest Lies of The Food Industry
There are so many ways we are being lied to, taken in, used, scammed, controlled, and ultimately guided into lives of self-medicated panacea for depressions and sufferings that don't need to be happening in the first place. Is it because there is a dastardly plan to make us weak and die? I sincerely doubt it. I think it has more to do with big corporations and big pharma being able to manipulate ad and product placement and target sales. No one really wants to hurt anyone. They just want to make money, and somewhere at the top of heap, someone is enjoying being kinda powerful. Life is more fun when you're powerful.
I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I'm not a truther. I'm not a religious zealot. I'm not a political activist. I do think I live in a country that won a bidding war over the brain fallout after World War II and acquired some really nice intellectual property, and that said property is being used to experiment with pumping up the populace (healthy citizens make a country stronger), and that some of the experimentation has backfired a little (one example being rumor of peanut allergies springing up from peanut product use in vaccines, no idea if it's true, but peanut product use is so handy and cheap, it's just everywhere), and it's not really anyone's fault, but yes, it would be nice to have more full disclosure and informed citizens. In the meantime, there is a very real threat of world pandemic, nuclear war, and crop failures, so thank goodness there are teams all over the world studying this stuff. I just hope they don't use the withholding of knowledge and rescue to gain power while people suffer and/or die, right? While we have power skirmishes between countries, this is a real problem.
I'm a cynic. (That links to the philosophy of modern cynicism.) (Not to be confused with pessimism. To get technical, I'm a pessimistic opportunist, ready for fail recovery on a moment's notice, lol. If my glass is half empty, I get a smaller glass so it can run over. It's all about perspective.) Mostly that means I don't trust Machiavellian types (which is most of them), and if we're going to be herding human cattle through a pyramid power structure, let's at least do it respectfully on all levels. We're all human beings here.
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I don't necessarily agree with the source this graphic clicks to |
You couldn't be more mistaken. But that's ok. If you don't get it, it's all good. I love fans. I love human expression. And now I'll add that I especially love innocence. It's so refreshing to me when someone has no idea what I'm talking about most of the time in a world where bad things go on unnoticed all around us.
Incidentally, I do believe we need world citizenship, and that we have a whole lot of growing pains to go through before dignity is a birthright over the entire planet. It's ok if you don't get what I'm really saying there. What is important is that no matter what happens or what comes, we need to care about each other, because if we don't, there is no hope in this world. Constantly pulling apart into hate camps over this and that judgmental opinionating is what makes people easy to control. Chew on that.
If this music is a drag, it's ok to skip it and go back to the other layers of silliness I sprinkle around my blog. Silliness might just be what saves our souls.
speed fail
Another hour till movie gang time and I know I'm super fail blogging lately, so quickie power point.
- I love burnt raisins. Overcooked the last batch of oatmeal cookies and am now delightfully hooked on that bittersweet of the tortured grape.
- My cynicism is kicking into high gear as I become more seasoned moderating on a game server. Srsly gonna start supplementing my twitter with the warn, mute, ban thing. Apparently foot fetish is ok to slide into DMs and I instantly hated, you know? Like *ew* thanx for spoiling a long twitter friendship.
- K, Holly's calling so the hour is slipping by, lol.
Afterthought, 2018.
called it
I've been questioning exactly this from the start, as we saw in Puddleglum. I don't trust any of these groups. It's all a mind game. And if that is what's going on, look back to 1984 and Goldstein, like this guy says in the vid. I've said repeatedly that I'm an Orwell fan. I also hinted yesterday that writers were likely the original pop stars used as a tool by an elite group. If I were dying of tuberculosis, like Orwell, I wouldn't be writing nearly up to my death about creepy state control and then never see the profits and outcomes of that. I would be doing everything in my power to get closure with everyone I ever loved and think deeply about this beautiful earth I lived on for awhile and how grateful I've felt to get this chance to be here for awhile.
From fear and loathing- George Orwell didn't foresee how the proletarians would be used by social media.
From the mighty pen- I love author bios. It's cool finding out that Orwell was unimaginably ill with tuberculosis as he was writing 1984. It's comforting finding out that a favorite book here or there took ten years to write. It's weird wondering what a generation or two after me would say if I ever really did make it. It's horrible thinking it will all go to the grave with me if I don't get this done.
From way past Orwell, and far more sinister- we're clearly past 'conspiracy' now, if one pays any attention at all. The human rights issue is at stake, and how the balance tips on the scale is already happening. The psychological war for world dominance is very real, and if you haven't caught on by now that entertainment is the vehicle and that your chains being yanked on medias to stay upset (and thereby more easily pushed into directions of thought and chain reaction), then you need to wake up.
From and that's about as political as Pinky gets- There is no left or right. Everything is progressing exactly the way it's supposed to and has been for many years. We are watching a game being played out on a world chess board that's been going on for at least a thousand years and maybe much longer. It's not about liberalism and conservatism. It's not about human rights and the ecosystem. It's about winning the whole world.
From I'd probably be a really tough college professor- My problem with modern interpretation of any kind of truth is that our methods of revealing truth still keeps people's eyes shut, even when they think it's opening their eyes. Diversionary tactics include well-timed truth leaking so heads will turn and miss other truths right under their noses. No one wants to see what's really going on, and those who fall the hardest for 'truth' (even when it really is truth) often wind up becoming the very tools that help propel the diversions.
From my personal stance on the LGBT murders- Also, it helps to be aware that govts & media work together to direct the energy flow between hate groups in order to pursue agendas. If we need a different policing system for world peace, they can't just force it on people, but if we feel desperate enough, we'll beg for it. Allow the possibility that some of what we see in media is manipulated to an ends.
From in case some of you need more context on the transgender public restroom debate- I don't care what your religion is and what your beliefs are, if you are dismissive of others and cruel to people over silly ideas that you make big fusses over, I do not stand with you. If you believe it's ok to hurt (and kill) other people just for believing something different from you and looking different from you, and you base everything you think you know about life on glances without getting to know what it's really like in other people's shoes, then you've got a real problem when I walk into your room.
What would Plato say? We're all still in the cave, guys. What would Puddleglum say? So what if the cave is all there is, I'm going to believe what I want anyway because what I believe beats hell out of this cave.
If the truthers wind up being right and we march to our deaths, I've already accepted that I was blessed to be here far longer than I ever thought I would. If World Order is upon us and our children, teach them how to keep secret beliefs, how to quietly share love, and how to live underground without getting caught. Love is the most important part of survival, and the least used concept in Order. And what do I know of Order? Let me just pause and laugh.
Ok, back to now, and that was a LOT, so here is an old set of brain cleansers in case you need rescuing from deep thinky think stuff into the funner end of the pool. Have a great day.
Now I need stress relief from the news. And something motivating while I move around getting busy. Kinda still have this in my head from last night, so I'm going with it. (Save yourselves, stop scrolling down after this vid. God, I want someone to make a KhanGa vid...)
This one is so delightfully proletariat.
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