-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Monday, April 11, 2022

frozen phone

One of those on again off again days where my time online might be as brief as 30 seconds because I'm watching a sick kiddo who might puke any moment. In the past on my big pinky blog I used to work in short batches because toddler, or like the time I did live tweet reviews tiny batch by tiny batch in between kid stuff.

from 2914

from today 

I used to experiment with driving traffic from my pinky twitter, got really good at it. That was a stellar day.

In case you're curious, just click this.

Welp, what I originally planned to do on this post was transfer some screenshots from my phone, but I guess kiddo hit something during a vid call to her mom and now my screen is stubbornly completely black, no buttons work, won't turn off to reboot, will have to literally let the battery go completely dead to hopefully be able to reboot once I plug it in again, and who knows how long that will take if I'm not able to use it.

Maybe I'll paste a few really old really random things over.

Random thoughts while I work today-

Never leave without your towel, wait, hangar.


From 2015, this was a real problem that year.

The problem with trolls and bullies is that some of them have no idea what that is. So please allow me to spell it out. These are general observations and not necessarily something going on with me personally, but I will definitely speak to it because it keeps coming up in private messaging.

1- Dragging someone into other people's business in private convos is trolling. Also known as gossiping. After going through YEARS of that, I can't even begin to tell you how much
 ~I don't care~ who said what behind mine or anyone else's back and what that's supposed to mean to me.

2- Continuing to do that after being asked to stop is trolling. Also known as attention-getting.

3- Pushing for public explanations (reasons and answers) for responses to one's own bad behavior is trolling. Also known as bullying.

4- Asking people what their private plans are on a public feed is trolling. Also known as stalking.

5- Digging for more private info when one doesn't share one's own private info is trolling. Also known as being a creeper. As in not a friend. Or being a creepy 'friend'.

6- Jumping into other people's convos that one is not part of with snarky remarks is trolling. Also known as convo bombing. (We all do this, no saints out there.)

7- Publicly threatening to share private content to prove a point is trolling. Also known as sucking as a friend.

8- Publicly taking a response or lack of response personally where everyone can see one's personal drama while pointing blame is trolling. Also known as whining.

9- Knowing every move a person makes online in real time and casually making inappropriate remarks as though this person is family and one has the right to own them as such in public is trolling. Also known as being rude and inappropriate.

10- Making a big deal about how other people might('ve) handle(d) the way one behave(s,d) is trolling. Also known as grow up.

Since I have committed to being a public figure, and since I've asked as politely as I can both publicly and privately to stop being dragged into other people's dramas, I have decided that the only way I can get this through some thick heads is by dragging it out into a public venue. I can out-passive aggressive all of you any time. If you don't like it, go whine about it. This especially applies to all the people who've felt compelled to tell me about their skyping sexploits with a certain actor. Cut it out. You're ALL attention whores.

Thought I'd try pulling the battery out of my phone to make this go faster. Alas, I am inept. It's a really old phone. Patience is a virtue, I guess. Glad I kept FB messenger.

What else have I got?

Oh, here we go, I saved this from my first Linkedin version. It's gone now.

This cracks me up.

I almost never even go over there. (That clicks to LinkedIn.) If I took myself more seriously over there I'd probably scare people. I mean, can you imagine?

Current: Hijacking source code.
Education: Kicked out of high school physics for beating the teacher in the derby race.

Conceived on a motorcycle.
Trained in exsanguination and dismemberment.
Skilled with knives and keyboards.

Controlled burns, dispatching varmints and troublemakers.
Wrasslin bunnies.
I also make a darn good apple pie.

Reallocating space in my spaceship.
Formatting the latest live tweet review.

Skills and Endorsements-
Top Skills:
Knowing when to stop and take a nap.
Juggling chainsaws and eggs.

Pinky also knows about:
Everything Johnlock.
Screwing up tables on blogger.

Thrown in the deep end of the pond.
Leap clear if you can't find the brakes on the tractor. #tuckandroll

Additional Info:
We just got a new roof so you might not reckonize the house on a google map now.

Many skilled magicians and thieves.

It's tempting. But a few of my connections take themselves a little more seriously than that, and, indeed, world dominate, so I don't want to be reassessed as property value fail by association.

You didn't see us start work on a puzzle and then move to dyeing eggs. I think someone is feeling better. A variety of foods seem to be happily staying on the inside, which is awesome. Crackers, grapes, applesauce, shredded cheese, and earlier she had a banana and hotcakes from McDonalds. I'm calling this day a success. Hope we don't get a sudden surprise.

Kind of a drag I can't take pix, some of these eggs are looking awesome. Think I"ll give this post up for now. But in case I don't have phone for a couple days, this is actually why I blog, so people can check on why I'm not answering my phone or tweeting my life away. It's all good.

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