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Monday, October 18, 2021

birthday blackout?

Since drops are indicating that a worldwide 3-day blackout during free energy changeover (not a clue how that will even work, but I'm betting most people won't have a clue) will be Oct. 20 through 23rd, I'm going to go ahead and bake up my little birthday cakes today and freeze them and make the cream cheese frosting to keep in the fridge and frost later. I may have visitors over several days since I'm turning 60 this year, and I want to be ready!

I also want to make some popcorn balls for little Halloween bags for some of my younger guests, but I'm not sure how long those will keep, I'll have to research a little. In my experience, homemade popcorn balls go kind of stale fairly quickly, but I generally don't wrap them. I wonder if wrapping them up really good while they are still fresh will do it.

I mean, if nothing happens, it's still all done, right. I also want to get my house spiffed up, but I'll feel better if the food is done up.

And then on my birthday I've already requested that we grill outside. Payday is during blackout, so I might saunter into town and just go pick up some chicken tenders just in case, plus I wanna get some fresh milk and stuff for salads this week.

I saw the word reboot slide through the drops so I'm hoping the internet in general will be sliding over (if it hasn't already) onto the new quantum internet. I dunno though, they said many times to archive offline. Just to reiterate, if none of my stuff slides over, I'm not inclined to rush out and replicate it again or even salvage it back out there from my own archives. I might, however, go forward with projects I'm still kind of working on.

So in case you don't follow me on twitter or whatever and you still check here for some reason, we got this today, and since Russia and parts of Europe are already doing TV promos about the blackout coming, I'm inclined to believe it.

👉Extra, Extra Super Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of October 18, 2021 | Operation Disclosure Official👈

:edit: To everyone who's been super stocking freezers- we were warned to stock up on dried beans and rice and canned goods, NONperishables that will keep a long time. If we really do go through a worldwide blackout, we're going to be losing a lot of frozen food unless you have backup generators or ways to cook it off or something. Hopefully this won't be a problem, but THAT might be one of the reasons they've been reminding us for months and months to stock up our nonperishable backup supplies. If shops go down there will be no buying and selling, if freezers go down a LOT of food will perish, so let's all get our grills out and fiesta! One way to make food last longer is simply to cook it. In the old days, meats were cooked into pies, and the aspic (the jelly that congeals after you cook meat) was poured over everything like meats and cheeses to create airtight seals so they'd have a longer shelf life. People would cook up a week's worth of meat pies  (protected in crusts and sauces) and set them in cool cupboards with towels over them since they had no plastics for storage. Be cautious doing this so you don't get food poisoning, it's not a magical fix, more like a forgotten culinary art. Anyway, if it all goes south, cook up what you are afraid will perish and find ways to get it sealed back up or have a block party and share. If all else fails, if you have the means to keep a stock pot over a low burner, just make a big soup and keep it hot enough to not spoil. Soup spoils very quickly, so don't let it set off the heat if you have no refrigeration. Think through this, ok? Think ahead.

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