-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Monday, October 18, 2021

we have the right

So per last post, I ran in for a quick Walmart list for about $40 worth of stuff in case the grids really do go down this particular week and payday rolls through during a blackout. I'm in a very rural subdivision, so I'm really efficient with my shopping trips.

Entire shelves were bare. The store didn't look empty, but there was no buttermilk or heavy cream to be had AT ALL. Nearly the entire section of chips where Tostitos is was bereft. The cheese sticks we normally buy were completely GONE. Most of the raw chicken section in meats was wiped out. The lettuce was very picked through and running out, radishes were nearly completely gone. And marshmallows? Wow, I got the next to very last bag of roasting marshmallows.

The store wasn't "empty", but looking for specifics was ridiculous. It has never been this bad even during 2-week ice storms. It wasn't even this bad when covid started and all the toilet paper disappeared. NOW, it's bad.

The tension in that store was horrible. The people shopping were miserably grumpy, some of them still masked up like people have been dying off like flies, which they actually haven't, most of them tired of it all and not even trying any more to put a good face on. I smiled at everyone I saw, not a soul smiled back. I've never felt so much tension just running up to our little Walmart.

By the time I left my nerves were so on edge from feeling everyone around me that I couldn't wait to get home, which was about a 10 mile drive. About a mile out of town that started draining away as the bright autumn light and beauty of the colors in the fields and forests going by washed back over me. And I got to thinking.

I had spent my morning lightly speed surfing parts of twitter a lot of people rarely run into unless they are looking for specific answers, mainly, how are the white hats and black hats entangled, and what does it all mean? I thought about this on the way home.

It's true that what we are finding is how interwoven the 'good guys' and 'bad guys' all are. It's true that they come from shared histories. But it's not true to lump everyone together into 'bad' or 'evil' just because their hidden ancestry is this or that.

Yes, we have been learning that the mega elite (the 1%) on this planet have been operating a shadow system over the last thousand years that is slowly destroying all of us along with the planet while they get super mega wealthy, and now some of us have been learning that our white hats leading the foray against the evil overlords are actually from the same family lines. But what did you expect?

Those how know, KNOW. How do they know? They know because they grew up with that, or near enough to it to understand it. Not all of them complied with expectations to carry on with destructive agendas. Some of them have been secretly working to stop the advancement of those agendas for decades. They don't want to live on an ugly wrecked up planet any more than we do. They don't like seeing the poor around them treated badly any more than we do. They want peace and beauty for the world as much as we do. And they have been working together to awaken us to this realization that we can be very powerful as a united people.

The evil ones want us divided, picking on each other, being ugly to each other, being hateful, afraid. The nice ones want us to stop picking on each other, stop being ugly to each other, stop being hateful, and stop letting fear dictate our actions. They know the only way to win this planetary war against the 1% ruining everything is to stop being chain yanked and knee jerked by all the stuff they keep slamming into our brains on all our screens.

As I drove home, I could see large areas that still have not been touched by destruction. The earth is still full of very beautiful places, still wild and free and untamed. We are on a real gem of a planet. But people that don't live away from cities and television cannot see what I see. They see what has been programmed for them to see, that the world is ugly and torn up and dying and full of hateful people.

The area I live in was well known for its friendliness before the covid agenda started. Most of us knew no strangers. It was nothing to us to stop and assist others needing assistance, to wave and smile to others whether we know them or not, to friendly chat nearly everywhere we go with anyone. What I felt today in Walmart among the shoppers I weaved in and out of was misery. The friendliness was gone. It was like the good parts of our shared space had been sucked clean out. Why? Because we are afraid of each other being harbingers of death. I'm sorry, I've already been through all the autoimmune chronic crash crap from a flu shot in 2007, and as miserable as that all was for a number of years trying to regain my life back, I'm no longer afraid. I've already walked through the valley of the shadow of death and all kinds of loss of function. That fear has no more power over me. I was so sick for so long that I finally got tired of being sick and started researching how to get healthy. It's taken years, but look at me being healthy now. I scraped my broken brain together and very slowly hacked my way through a jungle of misery and chaos, and now I'm here sharing with you guys that we CAN survive all of this and find our joy again.

We need to remember that the world isn't all bad. Not everything out there is a lie and a deception, or a trick mocking us. Sure, media lies, so stop watching it and go find your Truth. Stop dwelling on death and vaccines and politics and look at some trees. Trees are real. The earth is real. Smell some fresh air and feel how big the world is. There is so much still untainted by all the stress that is stripping our minds.

Stop worrying about other people and focus on what you think and how you feel. What do you need? How can you get what you need? Find a way to get what you need for your soul and your body so you can start feeling good again about being alive. Don't let them take that away from you like they have the right to do that. They don't.

We have the right to own ourselves and to find what makes us feel good, to feel grateful for something nice in our lives instead of hateful reacting to stuff they keep shoving in our faces. We have the right to stop believing everything we are told and go find out for ourselves what is right and true. We have the right to think on our own without being told what to do and how to live. We have the right to figure things out for ourselves instead of being fussed at that we are wrong so that we feel forced to cave in to pressure to do things we don't want to do. We have the right to find out how strong we really can be and then to stand up and BE strong. We have the right to breathe freely without having to worry with every breath about death.

Because that would drain anyone, heart and soul.

I love you. Humans, to me, are as cute and quirky as any other living being on this planet, and I love finding things on youtube that make me laugh and go awwww and want to hug people when they cry. Humans are very special because they are born naturally sweet and kind and automatically reach out to hug on anything that moves. Humans are delightfully entertaining and clever, and we all live our stories, learning how to create our own narratives and find our best selves inside sometimes the stupidest situations. We are heroes when we rise up and reach out to every being around us.

Humanity is very strong when we realize who the true enemy is. We can make all this misery stop in one day if we wanted. I think some of us just don't realize yet how very potent each one of us is, because the medias are so condescending to us if we don't obey what they tell us to do.

I'm going to go make my birthday cakes now, and clean my house. If the grids really do go down for this new worldwide 'maintenance' this week, I'll be ready to sit back and chill with a good book.

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