-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
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-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Sunday, May 17, 2020

all our variety of heads annoying one another

I managed to get through a support call today without totally infuriating the person helping me! 😀 I'm making progress!

It's weird how people don't know how to describe what they mean. Phone support and I were synced on an open page regarding a domain I was needing help with, and without keeping me head synced with her, she said leapt off into "Go to the x in the upper right and click a new window." I'm looking for an x in the page we're synced on. She kept repeating these instructions without changing the way she was saying it. I kept telling her I don't see an x.

If I were the support, I'd have said "Go to the X in the upper right of your browser window. Below the X is 3 dots. Click the dots and then scroll down and choose open incognito window." That would have changed everything.

So her next mistake was telling me to click on the 3 dots before I discovered the x in question was the browser, not the page. We had just clicked on 3 dots in the synced page to arrive at a manage DNS page (not intuitive at all, given multiple drop down menus), and seconds later she's telling me to click on the 3 dots below the x. What x. The x in the upper right. Um, there's no x, it's just my profile menu, 3 bars.

She couldn't grasp that she had leapt off the page sync into a browser window, and that not changing her words wasn't helping me. I still gave her an excellent in the survey. She got a bit cranky with me, but I know I'm difficult and it could have been way worse. The real challenge is outthinking someone when you have a cognitive challenge. I'm very literal.

At any rate, we found the reason why I wasn't able to repoint that dotcom and it's all fixed now, yay!

I think I mentioned a long time ago that I got an entire chemistry classroom extra points when I showed the teacher that the way one question was worded was vague enough to allow two conflicting answers. That is my life with humans. Everyone huzzahed because most of them had gotten the answer wrong. I had gotten it right and was first to turn in my test (100%) but I took the time to point that out. People like me can be infuriating, but we can also be good at making sure something is correct for others. I am horrible with filling out simple forms because to me they are so terribly vague, but I can ace a vague chemistry test because I know the chemistry.

Like today. I woke up to someone spending several tweets showing me overnight the error of my ways, and I in turn pointed out that the crucial information was not only missed but completely buried because it was more important to show me where I was wrong (when someone jumps into a convo without scrolling back and starts splainin things, they are the always the one who is in the wrong) instead of following the thread to where I was way more than right. See, it's more important to point out that a name in a search bar isn't mentioned in an article that gets linked than it is to go omg.... Yeah, that info was pretty damn important to the overall convo in the first place. And it still wasn't mentioned in the reply back at the end.

Again, no pat on the back for the important information that was totally relevant to a much longer ongoing convo.

And now here is that link.

How an Error in Salk Polio Vaccine Caused a Boston Epidemic 
July 8, 1995 

And the tweet it was linked on so anyone can scroll back and forth and see I was giving instructions on how to go on search digs. It wasn't about correctly identifying the name at all. Except to that one person who couldn't let go of that bone.

tweet- https://twitter.com/strayhen/status/1261784834617356290

I really loathe arguing with people. I hate discussions for the sake of discussion. I extremely dislike opinionating. Why? Because, like I said, most people can't even diagram a sentence.

I loved one particular class in high school where I learned to diagram sentences. I think that was the very first of my discovery that other people speaking poorly was the problem with my crazily misunderstood interaction with them. I was still too green and naive to work on that constructively, just enjoyed a new toy. I still have to diagram sentences in my head when I misunderstand people. Pronouns are the worst. 'It' refers to a particular thought in one sentence, leaps to another meaning entirely in the next. 'It' doesn't tell me which noun it's attached to when another person has broken the diagramming. I come to a completely erroneous conclusion based on that other person not taking the time to notice they switched off without reattaching anywhere. A few minutes later it clicks and my world is all good again, but for several seconds or even minutes, everything is facepalm and I'm not understanding why the other person messed stuff up so badly that I was trying to fix. But they didn't really.

Twitter threads are like that, too. If you, an outsider, can't follow the point of threads breaking into convos and keep trying to redirect what you think that point is, you're really obviously being a buttinsky.

I have trouble following leaps in audio thoughts, like with support on a telephone. I think that person on twitter today had trouble prioritizing importance in a string of thoughts going too out of control for them. So I woke up to my thought being reorganized for me. See, this is why I blog.

And more people read my blogs than read my twitters, so...

Well, except for the breakout tweets that go into the hundreds, one even over ten thousand a few weeks ago. But I'm basically a nobody now on the twitter I'm using.

Ok, this is just rambling now. What can I watch.

Here you go, lyrics in Portuguese https://www.letras.mus.br/felicia-rock/bang-bang-harley-quinn/
and lyrics in English via translation software https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=https://www.letras.mus.br/felicia-rock/bang-bang-harley-quinn/&prev=search

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