-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Monday, March 15, 2021

War of the Symbols

Everything I've written on the big pinky blog with the word πŸ‘‰symbolism and πŸ‘‰symbols (notice the pre-Q stuff is already obvious) (If you think it wasn't obvious back then, that means you were 'asleep' to it).

From to the tune of Chuck E. Cheese's birthday song

Basically what I'm getting around to is the idea that symbols themselves (shapes and patterns) are our genetic printing, and the way they are activated and layered with meaning and importance (representing ideas without having to use any words) is how we behave. The shape of a pyramid exists whether humans do or not. The shapes of circles and 5 or 6 pointed stars and crescent moons exist whether humans use them or not. Angles and dots and measurements and counts and the order they come in have always existed (this is what Plato was trying to say), humans have not. To adopt a symbol and call it good or bad and take it for a unique reference means nothing outside of human behavior. To recognize mathematical expression in our universe is simply that, recognizing that it's all around us. To assign particular meaning to it and fight wars over it belonging to this deity or that is purely human. Either God owns it all, if there is a god at all, whoever he, she, or it is, or it's just someone using symbols to manipulate societal behaviors. Either way, symbols themselves don't have meaning until they are layered and imprinted as having meaning in the brain. Why would it be so far fetched that humans have already long since figured out how to run societies based on this kind of observational science?

For those of you who haven't quite grasped or noticed or gotten that little light bulb yet, we are currently involved in a planetary meme war that has never happened before on this scale since the dawn of human civilization. Yes, we've had nation-state flag wars for centuries and millennia, but this is far bigger, vaster, all-consuming.

One of the most important symbols behind or underneath all the rest is the number 17. The number 17 alone connotates an entire mythological history that translates into a modern world political religion hellbent (literally) on taking control of the entire planet. What's scary is how close they are to actually accomplishing this. We are turning a huge tide that is somewhat gradually (in our moment to moment eyes) scraping us past the edge of the cliff just before we all step off it like lemmings. How? Well, the number 17 has been coopted, captured, like a flag, and the key to the wave diverting away from the lemming lockstep off the cliff into irredeemable future complete authoritarian control is the masses 'waking up'. The blind and deaf will continue onward into a false reality created through media programming, believing what is not true as strongly as if they'd actually been brainwashed. Media viewing screens are our magic 8 ball. We are literally captivated.

Q is the 17th number of the alphabet. Coincidentally (or synchronistically), Q is also part of other lingos and vernaculars that demonstrate importance in various ways that have already been existing, such as Q clearance, quantum computing, QFS quantum financial system, Q in NASDAQ (bankruptcy), and loads more quantum everything than you can fathom existing, if you click this snip.

The point I'm making is that Q and 17 have become synonymous over the last 3 1/2 years, and that is acutely disrupting the established esoteric hive mind created association with mythology among those who use that. This is more important than you can imagine.

Here is in-depth "17" mythological history and how it has permeated the world political arena, keeping in mind that this information is being heavily censored and copies are being uploaded repeatedly by rotating channels. Patience wins out. There is no instant answer list, there is listening and learning, just like when we go to college. This is history.

:edit: wow, that was fast. Here is another copy, and I'm downloading it this time so I can reupload myself if I need to. :edit: LOL, brandnewtube is solidly blocking the upload, so I'm uploading to bitchute, and from experience, that can take awhile to process. Let's see how long Simon's copy (below) is visible.

Ok, click this screenshot πŸ‘‡ for my channel. Hopefully they process it and let it through.

:edit: As of noon, central U.S. time, there are 82 clicks on that vid, thank you. Please share far and wide, download if you can in case it gets canceled again.

~back to my point~

Why is this important? Because 'manifest destiny' is a real thing. We all manifest our futures, whether through fear or focus or love or whatever grips your mind. We bring about what we both unconsciously and consciously wish based on what we believe we are capable of. I've written for years (decades) about making the decisions not to be like my parents, to take control of my own health care, to look inward and find myself through all this depression, and much more. My autism spectrum does not control me. My chronic flares don't control me. Family pressure doesn't control me. Friends don't control me. The world being synchronized into holiday sales doesn't control me. The roller coaster of social media and broadcast news outlets doesn't dictate what I should be thinking and doing. I manifest success on all levels because that is what I want. And I want it badly enough to dig for information, work toward goals, and create the person I want to be.

Imagine an entire nation of people who are capable of manifesting their own destinies. Yes, even during this time of covid. Especially now.

The idea of creating the reality we wish to manifest is very old and kind of goes against the grain of established societies that already have laws and mandates in place. It's ok if you create yourself as long as you color inside the lines, right? Except for the people who are sanctioned to color outside of the lines because they're in positions of authorities. They seem to color outside the lines quite a lot, which showed up lots more during covid lockdowns. But I digress.

Manifesting a destiny is about discovering what you love and then doing that, because you love it. It is that feeling you were born for thing. It's about getting life experiences and then turning those into successful decision making about your path, your journey. It's about being YOU.

Sometimes while we are manifesting, we start noticing that the world around us isn't quite what we were led to think it is. There are glitches or holes in 'reality'. There are things that shouldn't be able to be, or happenings that seem miraculous, or people and animals who seem ethereal. Sometimes there are two realities (timelines) running side by side simultaneously that we never noticed until we got a little bumped out of our rhythm. There are mysteries and coincidences that sometimes seem to almost contrive either against us or magically for us. We can't explain it, so we ignore it. Why do we ignore these things?

What is the Mandela Effect?

The Mandela Effect Explained, Sort of

I cannot manifest the different kinds of computers and internets that I have dreams about, entire worlds that developed so differently from ours that the internet we know now never came to exist. This world seems very dull to me after dreams like that. Because of the dreams, it's much easier for me to see this timeline hosting us as a prison planet, with all of us in lockstep rhythm doing the same thing in and out of days and years and never waking up to the fact that we've been drugged into complacency by a Machine, which I think about in electric sheep and windmills.

But I can manifest the stories about my dreams. I can share what I have seen. (My posts on this blog with πŸ‘‰'dreams internet' in search.) As these words that I laboriously type and save and share go through your eyes into your minds, I am manifesting ideas that become stronger with each mind reading them. We are all manifesting these ideas being created in a shared space where our pocket of hive mind is forming pictures of particular realities. Even if those realities don't exist here and now for us, they do exist somewhere, some time, for someone. I don't think for one second I am smart enough to concoct on my own the levels of details that I share. I don't believe for one minute that thoughts showing up out of the blue are all inherently just mine. If I were so capable as to invent so much wonder all by myself, already encrypted into stories as I watch other timelines, then what am I doing just sitting here in my pajamas? I think it's far more likely that I am a receptor, and that I am capable of remote viewing. Because if I were inventing all those things, then my mind is far beyond and above all the science currently available to us on this prison planet. I don't think I possess that much capability on my own, rather sharing in the observation of group minds. Why would the second be more far fetched than the first? Because we are taught that. Because we are controlled not to think outside the box we are mind trapped in.

So to manifest a destiny, obviously all we need to do to start the ball rolling is simply open our eyes and wake up. Wake up to the fact that there is more than what we experience second hand with our senses relaying information to our brains. It feels first hand, but it's not really. Everything we think is already manifest around us is being relayed through a nervous system into our brains. We're already watching a screen inside our minds, telling ourselves the story of our experiencing life day by day. We are living inside vehicles (bodies) that let us interact with this construct (world). We use our bodies to make things happen in this world. We can't just think things into existence on our own without at least first sharing the ideas or physically constructing something. I am currently constructing sentences into a virtual medium that works much like a brain that we plug our brains into. We share a big brain area called the internet. Someone manifested that and now we use it.

Someone is manifesting 17 as a new way of thinking. The old way of 17 thinking was a mind trap, a control mechanism tied to symbolism about a mythological story, a secret so deep that only the initiated got to know it and use it to slowly bring the world into a synchronous rhythm that ultimately grinds away our human freedoms to think and be and create. No more of that, or you're canceled! Unless we all rise up and push back and say no one gets to OWN the symbols, thereby owning us along with the construct. The symbols exist for anyone to designate meaning to if they want, but they are not originally there to enslave us. Mind enslavement is a very disturbing crime against humanity. Creating a construct in which people can't think apart from the symbols programmed into their minds is just as bad as locking people up into jails and denying their freedoms. The freedom to THINK is in peril now. We've become so sleepy and sluggish that it's too hard work to think through the sludge, so we let things slide until we are too confused to see that we are all owned by banks in other countries. They play a very bad game against us, and the winners are our bosses. I THINK NOT.

My destiny is not a lifetime of debt till I die, impossible to overcome.

Let's repeat that thought.

My destiny is not a lifetime of debt till I die, impossible to overcome.

The game is being turned over. The winning and losing are what most people focus on, when it doesn't occur to them someone could walk by and upset the entire game board and in the blink of an eye, all the pieces are popped out of place and no one remembers where they go. No one wins or loses, it's just GAME OVER.

Think outside the box.

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