-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Juance Upon a Time, there was this kid...

Tired of laying low. I don't know how these vids haven't been canceled on youtube yet. I downloaded them and am currently backing them up on my bitchute just in case (click the line that says Some videos are not shown due to your current sensitivity settings, click here to show them., and I'm being super cautious putting a light NSFW restriction on them because of the rare F words and the historical perspective of children being roasted alive as sacrifices to Baal, which is pretty disturbing if you haven't ever realized that is what the old testament was about, pretty much Baal (Moloch, etc, whatever you wanna call him) vs the children of God, who were vehemently against child sacrifice. Our entire religious history literally boils down to that, especially because it's still happening all over the world. (You ever wonder why some near Eastern countries referred to the U.S. as the Great Satan? Time to wake up.)

That entire second half, I kept thinking of things like Elijah and the book of Amos, both of which I've written about. Amos is my favorite book. Elijah is my favorite prophet.

And of course, Juan's podcast interviews are further enchanced when you get the book, which I have. I got two, actually, so I could send one out. In my opinion, 👉Kid by the Side of the Road👈 is a very nice coffee table style book that I'd easily have spent $40 or more on, but I paid only $12. Juan O Savin is either barely breaking even producing and mailing these books, or he's taking the financial hit because he really cares about this information getting out as widely as possible.

I feel privileged to be living in this time and especially blessed to have my eyes open to witness to this never seen before history rolling out, the greatest military operation in the entire world, the beginning of the massive purging of nasty evil (human trafficking and crimes against humanity, especially the children) around our whole planet, and the mass awakening as millions and millions of us notice "we aren't in Kansas anymore."

I'm trying to be patient. It's hard. I know it's really hard.

God bless Juan O Savin and all the patriots working so hard to keep not only holding the line, but advancing inch by inch as we keep the faith that behind the scenes is all going according to Plan.

Where we go one as a species on this earth, we go all, even if it means turning over every stick and stone and everything we know changes. We are all on this ride, and you can start paying attention, or you can stay asleep until it's no longer possible to ignore, which will be really difficult when it comes down to that.

👉This young lady👈 says it best.

For any of you chancing across this (or linking over) who don't or can't yet accept that this is reality, it's time to grow up and be a real human. You're not babies. This isn't TV land.

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