-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Life in a nutshell. Spend, fix, spend, fix, spend, fix...

One of those enthusiastic newguy mistakes. This is clearly a slab of ribs. Didn't even notice the mix up till I got them out of the freezer.

When I share links to discussions that aren't controlled by big media and their overlords, I'm stopped with 'we can't let you do that, Pinky, because this link is potentially harmful'. (See the above pic for a demo of narrative telling you what is what and you know that's not right but the narrative makes it official and that's how it becomes inventoried into total sales later. Think about that happening all around you in real life.)

Really fighting with blogger's latest updates and I'm not even on my phone. +_+ Noticing that this morning's big MS updates seem to be freezing the entire editor up continually, as well. Gaming works great. Blogging is like throwing darts in the dark with a keyboard. I'm not amused.

Let the kids stick a toe outside for the first time yesterday.

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