-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Monday, March 1, 2021


The ennui is strong today.

The nightmares were so weird last night. The person I was arguing with was unexpected. The constant waking up was a drag.

Just think, this time last year we were still so innocent of covid masking. Meanwhile, these particular screenshots on my phone still go back years. Years have slid by me.

Strong Bad is awesome.

This is real.

Back when this next happened I had less than 50 followers and for the life of me couldn't figure out why this guy, Jessica Gottlieb, and Xander Bennett were following me. I finally realized it was probably because of Lexx.

I wrote this back in the 1980s and put it on Geocities in the 1990s. 👇 It's on one of my other pinky blogs now. Since most of my poetry turns into limericks all of my life, this was special.

I will always love twitter.

I could never reach this level of poemism. I felt lucky to see this one fly by on so transient a media. Well, they're all transient now, aren't they? But still, back then this felt so non AI controlled think share.

Mesmerized and captivated by something so unreal and insipid. Funny how a holiday can enthrall us based on manufactured force fed glitz.

Sometimes I really mean things.

Sometimes I wish I had chosen the icognito themed pathway, but then I wouldn't be going through the joy of personal attacks and doxxing... 😐 

And the weird underground popularity that keeps me ducking back behind my blackout curtains pulled against the bright sunlight.

Got some more old junk whittled off my phone, probably a couple hundred in between all that.

Something weird happened over the weekend, like someone was toying with my entire nervous system. I'm not on any nerve meds any more, just the basic thyroid and blood pressure pills, and it sure didn't act like a real flare up of any kind. It was like someone was remote throwing little switches, and I'd feel my nerves racing hot all over my body, and I kept going up and down into peevish tirades about the stupidest things, and then suddenly it would be over. Not my usual mood swing stuff, this was timed much more quickly, like someone was testing controls, a bit maddening. And then last night the sudden jerking awake all night after only a few minutes of sleep. Couldn't help noticing this ALL started immediately after I booted up my main laptop, which I generally don't leave on all day and it has no battery in it so it has to be plugged in. The further I stay away from this thing, the better I feel.




“Electronic harassment, electromagnetic torture or psychotronic torture is a conspiracy theory that government agents make use of electromagnetic radiation (such as the microwave auditory effect), radar, and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds and thoughts into people’s heads, affect people’s bodies, and harass”, (Google).  Well that’s the definition Google will give you… but what used to be Sci-fi and tech only available to the elites is now accessible via the web and YouTube.  Learning how to create laser Mics, Microwave guns, and alike is much easier than ever before.  Since this sounds like Sci-fi… let’s breakdown the toys, and the fact vs. fiction to understand how/why these devices could be used.

I don't care what anyone in any mental health field thinks of me. I'm not fearful, just tired. A lot of people know who I am. A lot. I've been accused of being a Russian hacker, among other things. I've had to extricate myself from several groups and situations. I used to disappear and reemerge with new accounts, but I no longer do that.

I'm sharing things on twitter that I can't believe still aren't getting that account terminated in this cancel culture, after what looks like a permanent suspension on another account just for being a George Magazine and JFK Jr fan. Whatevs. A recent tweet went a little viral in Japan, but not in the U.S. lmao. Also, regulars from several spots jump within seconds every single time I tweet a link or share on FB, which still blows my mind.

Time to go do some chores. Hope the last of winter goes out kindly for you guys.

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