-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
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-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Saturday, February 27, 2021

letting go of the old stuff

Today is complete thumb rest, sooo glad I got most of the chores caught up yesterday. It's the same thumb that was scheduled for trigger release next week, but it's been doing so well that I canceled the surgery. Bam, biscuit can exploded open on that knuckle, went numb immediately. Got a little boo-boo buddy (tiny ice pack for kids) on it while I awkwardly but still very professionally ha ha finished cooking breakfast. Can't tell ya how many big boo-boos I got in the old days cooking in restaurants. Anyway, going to keep a giant bandaid across that knuckle rest of the day so I won't bend it. Still numb, no telling what happened in there. 

I'm really liking this method of cleaning out my phone, from the bottom of the pile. I cleared out hundreds of junk screenshots in between what I'm sharing. I had really old medical junk I had looked up, several saves from contentious plebians, and most of that was from my history of memory glitching and my compulsion to retain digitally what I'm afraid I'll lose again cognitively. But that info and the memories are fairly useless now, so I'm initiating override against compulsive salvage, as I call it. There's no reason to hold onto the past when the future is so full of new stuff. 

My new little backup laptop arrived and now I'm triple tasking across phone, this little laptop, and my big laptop. Still no idea why Elvenar fail happened across the other two, but this is keeping me out of major political skirmishes on social medias. I tore into Scott yesterday for one sentence bemoaning something Biden, because we KNOW he's not real, in person or in office, and part of the great awakening is learning to let go of implanted narrative parroting. I'm so done with that racket, and it doesn't belong in my house, even as polite convo. One more month of dragging through this teeth grinding wait, and then it's DONE. Over. The QFS is locking in, the tunnels are being dredged out, and all that is required of us is wrapping our minds around overcoming our slave programming. The narrative.

You didn't see me dumping another hundred screenshots. 😁 

Time has passed. There is a little lump inside my thumb knuckle that is starting to ache. I'm hoping I didn't rupture a little tendon. Continuing to keep it immobilized so I don't make it worse. Scott says let him handle those pop open cans from now on. He's my spider killer biscuit can handler guy.

Filet mignon out for supper after a week of lasagna and sandwiches. Weather can't make up its mind what to do. I'm a space case. This is beautiful.

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