-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Monday, March 29, 2021

chick tales

I've read that phrase so many times last few days that it's starting to blur into new mashup phrases when I glance at it, like A manic ego has crashed to the ground!

Love that blue egg. Not sure I want to evolve it. I could let it just sit there like that forever.

In other games, me all decked out in Roblox. I look like a walking flea market.

I ignored this at the time, but it kinda stands out, so... Not sure why that post in particular. Guess I got linked for some weird reason.

Hi, Lithuania.

The funny thing is that it doesn't show up on google analytics at all. At. All. The post title, the country, the count, nothing. Maybe that's part of the weird big shadowbanning cancel thing.

We've got a baby roost up now. This is Juanita, a Black Star crossbreed. Her baby feathers will get grown over by black over most of her body, and she'll have a reddish neck.

Like this. Click it to see more.

Chicky cam. 

I keep walking off and forgetting about this. Not sure how long ago I started it.

Claudia got pretty bossy on Scott yesterday. He bought the kind of trailer over the weekend that he can haul a lawnmower on, but he's really struggling with backing that thing. I had kidhood memories popping up of my dad having me stand behind whatever big thing he was driving, with firm commands to stay in THAT SPOT and give him very particular hand/arm signals, and he'd literally back up to me and stop. He never bumped me, though, because my dad was a professional driver. I stood there not freaking out knowing he'd always be able to see me somehow, so you can imagine my childhood being this huge trust exercise. Quite a lot of my interactions with Dad involved an almost superhuman level of trust.

So imagine me springing into this bossy kid mode fussing at Scott while I'm standing way behind trying to signal him in for a straight landing into awkward tight spots with that trailer, because of course Scott wants what he wants and what he wants is a new trailer in an unbelievably tight spot that has to be precisely angled into, next to a propane tank. And on the other side is his big tool shed, which he did crunch into with a little bit of damage, alas. After multiple attempts there and further up the drive by the swing set, I finally pulled Claudia back and bailed as nicely as I could, and we stood watching from inside the doorway, but first I made sure he had an absolutely straight way to back to the swing set. When he came in, I told him I was close to jumping in and just doing it myself, and he said he'd have let me. Poor guy mentioned the neighbors probably heard it all, and none of me feel any remorse whatsoever, even after sleeping on it.

Scott is the most tolerant man I know. I really don't know how he puts up with this switching out, don't know if he's even aware of it happening, but he takes it with a slab of salt, bless him.

Did I even mention our hail storm last week? All of this is hail, not snow.

And this is hail damage.

West side got the full blow, south side was alongside the wind and didn't really get hit much. All the lighter speckles are 1 inch + hail blows.

No idea how this wasn't crashing out windows up all 3 stories, because it sure sounded like it should have. My car windshield has a long crack in it from the hail.

Couldn't believe the hail didn't take out the yard lights or the cameras around the house. Every light colored spot along the railing is a hail ding.

We'll probably have some roof repair. I think we've done roof repair at least 3 times now since we moved here. Really thrilled the tornado went north of us.

We've had our biggest flock of wild turkeys coming up regularly this year.

Check it. I've been searching for this cover to see if it's real.

I don't think it is. Click this next for pinterest.

I think I need to get busy now. I'm having my usual Monday morning lull after a really busy weekend, and about 3 hours have slid right by me.

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