-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2021


My video watch trail over the last couple days included these.

This channel has loads of cool stuff.

One of my favorites, wanted to see if it's still there. Wound up camping in her channel for about 30 minutes.

And of course, after purposely looking around for any kind of proof that Mandela died and the world mourned, this vid super glitched into oblivion right out of my editor. I had to put it back in again. I remember his death announcement and thought he was dead for years, too. Personally, I think it was actually announced, but may not have been true. This happens frequently nowadays. I just know I didn't misremember.



Ha, more mood.

Yum! Wanna try this.

Srsly trying to do this.

This. Might be worth your time.

So I'll be 60 in about 47 days, and I'm not even sure what's going on here. This is unfiltered, no makeup, and I have no explanation. Except somewhere on another blog I told the story about how I had been so depressingly ill for so long (years) and it had affected my whole body and spirit so negatively that I wept for weeks and months on end. I couldn't even put on my own shoes and socks and do things around the house, and Scott kept unwearyingly taking care of me, the house, the shopping, the bills, the kids, just everything, and I could see him biting back how unfair it was on top of his 10 hour job and going bankrupt and nothing going as planned, and meds puffed me up the scale and I got gross... And one day I very sincerely begged God that if nothing else changed, please at least make Scott happy to see my face when he came home from work every day, because it had gotten so draining that he stopped looking at me, even though he was still taking care of me and everything else without complaint. I needed him to see me so I'd know we were ok.

Prayers work, but you need to think them through and have a legit reason for what you ask for. Prayers are not frivolous, but they are very real. I'm telling you guys this because some of you are having a hard time and need hope. Take some time out and really think about what it is you want most IN THIS LIFE. If what you want lines up with why our souls are here in the first place, pulling that together in your mind during some thoughtful quiet time sifting all the other crap out of the way and then focusing on that in a nonselfish way and taking it to God in prayer will be your blessing. It's really important that you sift everything down to what is the most real desire you have. My most sincere desire was that Scott would have a reason to want to keep coming home to me. My most miserable thought was how miserable I was making him, and I didn't know how to fix that.

God cares that we are sad, confused, and miserable, but our job here is to use these experiences to burn the chaff away and find the gold. Find what you need in your soul and take that to God, or whatever you call the source creator that existence seems to spring from.

Anyway, I'm way better now, if you are a first time reader and don't know. And thankfully, Scott stuck through it all with me and now we smile and laugh a lot.

In other news, our AC will be installed Thursday and Friday this week if all goes well, and once that's in, the new roof comes next, not sure when. Finally. Months of waiting, mostly on world shipping problems. At Scott's work they can't get certain logs of tape in any more, and I'm hearing that a variety of plastics are going into shortages. The world is changing, guys, big time. We'll adapt and get used to going back to slower and healthier ways of doing everything and stop clogging up our oceans.

I've been practicing eating less because if food shortages really happen, I want to be used to lean times so I won't be a whiny baby about it. 😄 You wouldn't believe how much stuff you can cook in a slow cooker, btw. I even crisped up the skin on a chicken. I'm enjoying chicken in particular because I keep having dreams about severe chicken shortages. Watch them announce huge flock kills now trying to stay ahead of something crazy viral, like another avian flu or something. Seriously, I'm expecting it because whatever is going on, it's like someone is fighting over the world food supply, and if you have never researched who owns the world food supply, now's your chance to go start looking things up before the internet gets wiped.

I'd like to say I'm joking, but I'm not joking. It may not be on the 'news', but food production and shipping have been going haywire ever since covid started, which we know is a real time world simulation preparing us for NWO, except it keeps being interrupted by a certain group of white hats meddling with taking over the timeline. 😶

Buy chicken while you can.

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