-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Friday, September 10, 2021

I've been told to SHUT UP

Started earlier this week.

The AC/HVAC guys got here a day early, so we got central air back, yay!!! Cap'n Jack kept an eye on them working.

Got my mojang account moved to Microsoft, everything works great. Test drove one of my singleplayer minecraft worlds in java and didn't have a problem.

One of our chickens is laying really gigantic eggs.

I don't care how burnt black oatmeal cookies are, I'll always dig out the petrified raisins and eat them. I love hard, chewy, super caramelized raisins.

These are bats under our deck where you walk out of the basement.

This is guano.


This is now.

I was visited just before I woke up this morning. Sometimes I sleep through Scott waking up and getting ready for work and even turning his computer on to play the tournaments before he leaves. I didn't wake up.

In the 10 minutes after he left the house, without me even knowing he was gone, my mind abruptly switched to a lucid experience that can't properly be labeled a nightmare or a vision. It was like a shared space with other people. The dream I'd been meandering through almost suddenly tightened up into a scripted scenario where I had mailed a letter to an old uncle (who died years ago) in which my last line before sealing and mailing it had been something about "I'm going to kill your cat". I can't even imagine putting that into a letter to anyone, but that was what started all the rest.

In this experience, Scott and I were sitting together at a small cafe table with other people and small tables all around it. It looked like a cafe to start but everything rolled out more like a classroom once the woman walked in. She was in uniform. She had come from the postmaster to question me about my letter. The letter had evidently been stopped at a big sorting center, held for review, then directed back to me with what looked like some kind of uniformed postal social worker or police or something, and when she laid the letter on the table in front of me, I could clearly see the envelope had been opened and the letter removed and marked up with notations.

The woman started out asking why I wrote that, quickly turned into demanding why I wrote that after I asked why the letter had even been opened, and when I pushed back with "This is surveillance, we live in a surveillance state" while all the other people stared at me, the woman stepped aside and a tall man appeared, also in uniform but clearly much higher in authority, and with a very angry look on his face hissed at me to shut up. So I, naturally, said it again, but louder, adding that we're supposed to have freedom and we're living in a surveillance state.

I thought he was going to blow a gasket. He pointed his finger at me like he wanted to jab me with it and started to talk a couple times, but each time he shut his lips very tightly and moved closer and closer, then started again, then finally was in my face hissing at me in German (that has never happened in my dreams before that I know of, I don't dream in other languages) while he gripped the back of my neck with his left hand and simultaneously covered my mouth with his right hand but still had his finger pointing in my face with his right hand while his face was right there in my face, and he was so extremely extremely pissed that I thought he was going to hurt me very badly.

I managed to whisper out "Ich nicht understand" because I forgot verstehe, even though I grew up with my dad speaking low German, and I sorta did understand but I was still fighting him to hold him off any way I could, even with just words, and as he was switching to SHUT UP, suddenly I was released and awake, just like that. I went from very physically struggling with someone threatening and hurting me to just plain awake. My heart thudded a few times and went back to normal pretty quickly, which was super weird considering all the times over the last 8 months that I've awakened to my heart pounding hard and fast for way longer, which landed me in hospital observation with a troponin level last January and skidded me through another sleep study and CPAP adjustment, and nothing was working and by June it was affecting me so much that my bloodwork was even getting screwed up and I went through holter monitor and another emergency room visit. The stress alone was affecting me very physically, and several doctors kept telling me it was psychological.

That all stopped when I landed in Texas for a month. Every bit of it.

I got back home and everything is pretty fine except I simply cannot use my CPAP any more. I hadn't used it in Texas at all, almost impossible with a new baby to get any regular sleep so I just didn't worry about it. Can't help wondering if CPAP can be used as part of a control technology.... 

And then today, after Scott left the house, I had a hard and fast 10 minute dream wherein I was threatened and even had hands laid on me, and I knew without a doubt I really was being told to SHUT UP.

I have documented that the very worst of all this started the next night after I published the Stefani post and I wound up in hospital for cardiac observation. Well, guess what. Yesterday I was in game in a group email that turned to covid, and basically what you get here is a private convo (letter to my uncle) in a public place (game group email) wherein I was immediately narrative trolled, and after that I simply left one link. Just one. What are the odds this weird dream experience telling me to SHUT UP would happen the night after I did something like that?

And check the dates. My original Stefani post is about her 911 vid. This week is 9/11.

Gamer One.

Gamer Two.


Gamer Three. (Told us she's a registered nurse.)

Pretty sure she meant contusions, which are bruises. And that patient broke her arm. 


Gamer Two. (ignoring that gamer three is a registered nurse who has a lot of experience with covid and completely supported me)


My takeaway is that Gamer Two is one of 2 things. Either Gamer Two is a pure brainwash to narrative and obediently parrots it back on cue because they've been trained to, or Gamer Two is a troll planted into game to bully people back into submission with 'truth' and 'science'.

Covid clearly has lost its way from the actual real scientific model.

I have posts in this blog that source covid test patents going back to 2015.

That link up there that spurred that narrative troll schooling me is at 

Feel free to give it a listen. I have no doubt I'm risking my life at this point. From holy cow, google.

Also this.

In case you are interested in mind control technologies (I bring that up because dreamscapes are part of it) here is another link you can check out, plus more will come up with that phrase in search (mind control technology).

And I'm not going to just shut up. I'm tired of being bullied. From this would be working better if they had thought of a funner way to control us.

With all this covid distraction, we are being trained to tune out what doesn't seem dire and to go on full alert over the word covid. Let's get real. If this had been a smallpox scenario, like in the real Dark Winter simulations, a third of the world would already have died off by now.

Smallpox, because of its high case-fatality rates and transmissibility, represents one of the most serious biological warfare threats to the civilian population. In 1980, the World Health Assembly announced that smallpox had been eradicated and recommended that all countries cease vaccination. Although labs in two countries still officially store smallpox samples (U.S. and Russia), its re-appearance would almost certainly indicate an intentional outbreak.

Aerosol release of smallpox virus disseminated among a relatively small population could result in a significant epidemic. Evidence suggests the infectious dose is very small. Several factors are cause for concern: the disease has historically been feared as one of the most serious of all pestilential diseases; it is physically disfiguring; it bears a 30 percent case-fatality rate; there is no treatment; it is communicable from person to person. Vaccination ceased in this country in 1972, and vaccination immunity acquired before that time has undoubtedly waned. Prior to eradication, data on smallpox outbreaks in Europe indicated that victims had the potential to infect 10 to 20 others. However, there has never been a smallpox outbreak in such a densely populated, highly mobile, unvaccinated population such as exists today.

In 1947, in response to a single case of smallpox in New York City, 6,350,000 people were immunized (500,000 in one day), including President Harry Truman. In 1972, after disappearing from Yugoslavia for four decades, a single case of smallpox emerged. There are two ways to control a smallpox epidemic - vaccine and isolation. Yugoslavia's Communist leader, Josip Tito, used both. He instituted a nation-wide quarantine, and immunized the entire country of 20 million people using vaccine supplied by the World Health Organization.

As you can see, the 'covid exercise' is not new. This is not a new thing. What has been going on this whole year is more like a test over world control than a real apocalypse. So many of us have become so immediately responsive to screens updating us all day long that we have become very malleable, as populations go.

I'm not happy with being malleable. I like being able to use my own brain to figure things out. The best way to get brain exercise and build up your brain abs is to go find things that you're not sure about and dig up all the pros and cons and settle for yourself what is right. We're not a dumb species. Unless we let other people do all our thinking for us.

I don't trust billionaire oligarchy. They could care less if we die from bacterial reinfection from masking all day. And now some of them are telling us to wear them at home around people who aren't even sick.

Did you know that airway problems is one of the fastest ways to kill people? If you are reinfecting yourselves with icky masks that you aren't changing out through the day and washing, you have been trained to literally poison yourself. I wonder why proper masking isn't being taught in all this big fear. Maybe because, to them, it doesn't matter.... 🤔 As long as you *wear* the mask, you don't get in trouble for not wearing a mask. Just "wear the damn mask", as they say.

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