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Sunday, March 27, 2022

I keep daring to impugn

We have several sets of Controllers vying for dominance in this 'matrix'.

If I'm going to be canceled again, I'd like to go ahead and get a few things said. First I'll organize some lists to make a point (and for the bored or curious if your day is looking pretty dull), and then I'll lay out my current arrival destination aka the whys and wheretofores of what I think is really going on. Please note- although we've seen the gold being returned from the captured Vatican, we have yet to see the massive library of the entire world history opened up to the public. Why is that, I wonder.

Oh, wait, here is a carrot on a stick.

Oh, bummer. Wonder why twitter kicked Pinky for bringing that up then. I mean, if it's not a real thing hidden from the public throughout human history.

So I'm going to revisit my journey to this question, which involves elephants and incongruties.

I've been bringing up elephants for years. 
And incongruity

As you can see, those two words in particular have been lengthy obsessions spanning nearly my entire life. I think I have amply demonstrated my ability to think back and forth along my timeline like I'm unstuck in time. I have been encoding for years. I knew back in the 80s that I am all of me, and that everything I want is on my timeline, and that 'linear experience' will eventually get me to my entire self realization. I think there are others like me who have been cognizant of these things, too. Maybe we're all part of the interface.

I think I told the dream somewhere a very long time ago that when I was very small, almost too small for verbal interaction with a limited vocabulary, I had a dream that I was a ball that was bouncing up and down in the exact same place, like one of those rubber school balls. It didn't hurt, I wasn't afraid, but I could feel each time I-the-ball hit the sidewalk (and I flattened a little) before shooting back up very very high into the sky, all the while looking down on the changing perspective, and then coming back down again very fast only to bounce and go back up again. That is an amazing dream for a tiny child with no experience whatsoever with other-person perspectives and experiencing a very different kind of reality-body. Was I being shown? Was I remembering? Was I being trained to think and understand? My mom gave birth to me while she was 'asleep' during the years when they blocked all memory from delivery with a particular drug that didn't make women sleep so much as just block their memory of how hard and painful everything was during delivery. Nowadays we can look back on records of that and see it as weirdly abusive because there was no transparency about what was really happening.
Around that time, science was also already tinkering with neural interface technology, although that has been pretty hidden from public, as well. Is it a leap to wonder how many newborns were subjected to experimentation during the twilight sleep years? I, for one, keep saying 'something' or Someone (possibly both or even more) has been interacting with me all my life through a variety of dream methods, visions, abrupt lucid awake and asleep moments, remote dreaming, and even just plain wide awake 'discussions'. Mental health tagged me with a list of diagnoses, but not one of them addressed paranoid schizophrenia, even though that was what I originally sought help for in college. I've been MMPI tested, GAF evaluated twice, and very thoroughly interviewed by psychiatrists and psychologists spanning 17+ years, and I was constantly assured I am in no way schizoid or paranoid. My mind is still intact and healing despite dissociative issues from a few childhood traumas and a weird brain crash in 2004 that looks eerily like a poisoning event, and as I have been healing, the interactions are becoming clearer to the point that I can use my sociology degree and experience on medias to confidently assess how very controlled human populations really are.

So what I'm about to say might seem extremely disturbing.

The Great Awakening was preplanned a very very long time ago, and some who are noticing the incongruities are calling it a fake awakening. What you all need to understand is that we wake up in stages through progressions or layers of matrix inside matrix inside matrix and so on. I was able to 'recognize' the great awakening on social medias very early on and have spent years and years digging for all the information I can find on what is really going on. Whether Q is/was a psyop hijack or not doesn't even interest me any more. What has been interesting is how stepped up the AI interaction is now for all of us. We call it 'algorithms' and blame it on 'Zuckerberg' or 'Google'. 😉


I paid to download that. It's important. Not going to spell it all out, but the briefest summary from my point of view is that the world money goes back time out of mind aka pre-cataclysm which means Atlantis et al, and that the families controlling world wealth (much higher than the elites that we know) 'take turns' handling it and running the world game board, if you will. Apparently this agreement reached a place and person where this world PLAN, as agreed upon according to what I fondly refer to as the precession of the precedents, was hijacked into a very controlling matrix of world subordination, what I fondly refer to as Equinox (aka Night Mare aka nightmare), and now their turn is over and it's time for another turn, which we are coming to know as a great reset from various points of view. This reset involves a world jubilee according to agreement already made a long time ago.

Basically, what we are witnessing now is a "changing of the old guard" as someone keeps saying.

This is bigger than you can even imagine. If this is all true, then our white hats vs black hats "trust the Plan" are all part of that much bigger PLAN and simply just part of a historical rollout that has been coming for a very long time.

But that is not the end all be all of 'the matrix', not by a long shot. As regular readers are aware, I think an ancient quantum artificial intelligence (our gen is not the first to invent this) has become a wild card in the mix, and the race to keep up is propelling us toward, into, and through a transhuman agenda that both sides might be fighting over, little realizing how controlled all this has been all along. The question I haven't gotten into yet is whether this QAI is part of the bigger wealth families and their very long ago past or an actual wild card that could upset the balance of the PLAN working out. This might be a very layered war we've been in, and the very high cost will be the final stripping of our autonomy and no one controlling the PLAN any more. If that happens, we'll all be hive minded and spiritually dead, which is why I think the Q plan is all about "God wins", although I still deeply question the intended God in this very layered and cryptic matrix of truth perversion. Is this why some are pushing us to believe WE are God? Humans uniting in mind and spirit controlling the matrix? Or is that another gimmick to be rounded up and subdued? Is this what the last cataclysm was all about? Because a sun burp, if you will, could fry everything tech, although it would also destroy quite a lot of all of us. Imagine a 'solar event' inside an electromagnetic matrix wherein 'reality' is an illusion.

All I know is that everything divisive actually means not unifying, and I'm not sure our inherent nature is to unify when our inherent nature is also to fight to the teeth for truth and freedom. The Great Awakening itself is so divisive in its own way that I'm finding it hard to accept the new narrative coming with it as being any more truthful than any other narrative. At some point, the real awakening is inside ourselves, not en masse as a political awareness response.

I don't think I have by any means 'cracked the case', and I'm not intending to dismiss the important realities around us that affects our daily lives. I'm sure I'll have loads more to think about over the next few years. But if big things really do happen and we suddenly all find ourselves disconnected from one another, I wanted to get this out there. Just remember, we're not all really disconnected. We are all right here with each other all the time. The matrix illusion is that we just can't see this yet. But yes, I've been able to see this for a long time.

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