-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Monday, November 9, 2020

filter progressions- choosing how we see the world

In between all the election frenzy, being so wound up, I went through clusters of extremely slow boring minutes that I found difficult to settle into. In those kinds of moments, I pull out my phone and start playing with filters. This was all sporadic without thought. The only other time I've zoomed on my lips was 8 years ago in a survey. (I moved that to mobile viewing about 3 years later.)

Instead of drawing out the filter progression, I grouped it up. Progression starts bottom right, goes left to right, and finishes on upper left. Anyone thinking this is easy, ha, no, it's not. You lose integrity really fast and ruin the subject of the filter to the point where you can't see what it originally was behind the filters, so it helps me focus in and drop other distracting stuff in my head. I am able to calm down with filters probably the same way some people do meditation. Once I'm super calm and nothing else is in my head, I get amazing free flow of lucid thought that I'm sometimes barely conscious of but wind up in some pretty deep think tanks.

My lunch last week, basic low cal low carb fresh greens and proteins. I ran it through things like cartoon and posterize and other filters, pleasantly surprised how well it held up.

This one goes backward. This first pic is the end result of a very long and very careful progression from a screenshot I got with my phone off the TV while I was watching The Flash. I wanted to see how far away from the red I could get, since the entire scene was in red wash.

Again, start at bottom right, wind up in upper left.

I noticed a lot of blue background in this shot from Sublime (2007). It was really hard getting the blue out without blurring the pic out in shadows. Again, start bottom right, finish upper left.

My phone is full of stuff like that. Every few weeks I have to go through deleting thousands of filtered screenshots. I also run into this kind of stuff. No idea what I was doing, but I think I'd gotten a screenshot off a fractal zoom vid on youtube and wondered how it would look on a t-shirt. I never did order one, apparently, although that looks so absolutely cool that I wish I had.

And I run into stuff like this. 😂

Some of the stuff is pretty old, like this screenshot from looking something up. I think it's like upper level apartments. I'll link their dotcom to this screenshot, it's fun to check them out, nice page.

The reason I looked that up is because I got a statcounter hit from a reader cruising through on my fan blog that kind of caught me by surprise. (I took statcounter off everything a couple of years ago, got tired of paying for it.)

I won't add the rest of the screenshots I got around that one, which boiled down to one fan in Russia starting an April Fool's joke, me writing a little article with the joke in the title, another fan (possibly Brazil but I can't prove it) either editing IMDb or requesting the edit, and still another fan (U.S.? UK?) making a huge deal in and out of facebook groups and on podcasts that Lexx had announced a 5th season. Once that hit the fan, my statcounter exploded, including this hit from L.A. I wound up contacting IMDb to explain why their edit was erroneous and requesting they remove it. The whole thing was stupid and ridiculous and affected fans all over the world, and I've been really sorry ever since that I played a part in that, super facepalm fail. This fandom is rabid.

I sat on that for years. I'm not into doxxing, and I didn't keep the IP or anything because I honestly don't care about that kind of 'thrill stalking', but you can drive around the neighborhood on street view if you wanna check it out, just click this next snip. I love street view, I've driven all over several big cities from the comfort of my laptop. Keeps me off twitter. 😂

This is probably long enough for now. Maybe another time I'll do another what's on my phone post. But since I brought it up, yeah, real life is a lot like putting screenshots through filters. Our minds are full of filters of all kinds, many of them structured into our thinking through meshed institutional networking. The way we see things is the way we've been trained to see them. It's extremely difficult for some people to break through this kind of mental 'jail' without going through severe taboo on the sense of self breaking down, and it's just easier to think people who do escape are mentally ill and crazy and dangerous and whatnot. These two people in the vids I'm sharing below have broken free. 7.2 million accounts have been removed off platforms all over the world in the last couple of years for bringing this stuff up. (If you are curious and want more on the first one, look up hashtag Haiti on twitter.) Those of you who hear things like that 7.2M and immediately shut it down like it's not a big deal, that is your marker for how brain trained you are not to pay attention to the control mechanisms.

Not everyone is this intensely targeted, but some of us purposely fly under the radar anyway.

There's loads more to be found out there. Like I've said in past posts, if you start sharing an epiphany, you'll find you're immediately set on like you've engaged in very physically real spiritual warfare to the point where you will lose friends and possibly family over it, and some people get weirdly ill and some even get killed. Once that starts and you get to see how utterly asleep the masses are, it's intensely frightening and you can't go back to sleep once you've stuck a toe out. After a bit you realize how empowering it is to wake up, and you stand up and stand out like a neon lit sore thumb and start gently stepping over the sleepers railing on about turn off the light, it's in their eyes and they're trying to watch TV. It really is very much like that.

We live in a unique time in human history. We will all soon be experiencing the Great Awakening together. If you find it terrifying because it feels like the world is falling apart, remind yourself it's just the illusion falling off. We will all be ok.

The world is much more beautiful than you ever saw it through the filters they've kept over our eyes.

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