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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

dollmaker thoughts

What if the Gotham story is about Atlantis? What if that whole universe is about the deep state that existed before the Fall?

Oh, I see, that idea already exists. Funny it would just pop into my head.

Justice League: Throne of Atlantis

Throne of Atlantis

Trinity War

This new mythology that we've all grown up with is very potent. Might be wise to pay heed.

Do you remember the back covers on the paper editions of Mad Magazine? There was a picture, but if you folded the paper a certain way, it became a different picture. Then when you unfold it again and you can how they hid the second picture by parsing it up and filling it in with the first picture. That is our world right now.

The part I'm most curious about is the Dollmaker. Any incarnation is fine. I particularly liked the way the Gotham dollmaker helped Oswald Cobblepot (Penguin) with his war against Theo Galavan (the evil mayor of Gotham). What they didn't show us was the MK Ultra torture involved in creating these mindless 'dolls'. Dolls are sleepers that can be triggered into any needed behavior. This is a real thing.

If you aren't already aware, the following story about Barton isn't exactly fiction. It's fictionalized truth. These kinds of people doing these kinds of things are very real. They keep showing us the fiction so we won't believe it's more than that.

Starting with Toyman in 1943, Dollmaker history has gone through a number of incarnations, adaptations, and makeovers, inspiring many other shows outside its own 'universe'. The Dollmaker is our modern mythological hell demigod of a sort, and some believe the Dollmaker is related into the Bloodline Families, who believe themselves of noble blood. 

The question is- Where is Gotham? What is Gotham? Is Gotham the new Atlantis? Is America Gotham? Are we a nation run by toymakers?

The biggest question is- If they've been showing this to us repeatedly throughout all our lives for the last 80 years (since I've made the unrelated case for Stephen King being an MK lackey, how many other writers have been implanted with the same story seed over and over), why in the world have we not figured out how real this is?

Perhaps some have. Some are purporting that there are doll copies of some of our world leaders that step up and do their part. Some compare many timestamped photos showing how impossible differences show up, such as bony structures around orbital sockets and chins, how ears change, both bony structures and earlobes being change resistant to cloning or surgeries.

Go out on a limb today and hit twitter's search engine with some of these ideas. I guarantee you a whole day of fun and surprises. And wouldn't that be fun convo around Thanksgiving turkey?

And if you're needing more of a warm cave to escape your holiday mind melt, here you go.

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