-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Saturday, November 21, 2020

pinky christmas

No confirmation yet on the second pregnancy, but the first one is a girl due sometime around or after-ish Christmas, so I opted for a pink Christmas. I'll probably pick up some pink candy canes sometime. Probably won't get much more going than that. Pretty sure I'll be tired enough afterward to just chuck it all. Got a bunch of holiday cleaning done today while it rained.

Caved to a quick visit with my doctor for sinus, says it's not infection but she loaded me for bear just in case it progresses into one over the next few weeks. So far the spiffy nose spray is taking a lot of pressure down around my eyes and the constant fluid sheeting down my face has stopped. I've never experienced the insides of my top eyelids being raw before, and I've had it all, including all three kinds of pink eye and four years of complete dry eye from viral nerve damage a long time ago. It's the same as your nose feeling raw, except inside your eyelids. I'm ripped through 2 bottles of eye drops just in the last 2 weeks.

Turkey is in the fridge thawing. Probably going to cook it off a day early.

I'm up to episode 5 in this playlist. I like the series just fine but I'm having a hard time sitting through the episodes. I'm not used to so much talking. I live my quiet super reclused life out in the woods and all my 'talking' is done on texts and messenger and discord, and sometimes I dig around youtube and find some really nice music or a few fanvids, but mostly I do all my thought wording in print and rarely word out loud to people. Really fast verbal chat between multiple people is too easy for me to tune out. I can absorb all kinds of verbal info, but group chatter is hard for aspienado. Anyway, here ya go if you're super bored and need something different.

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