-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Monday, April 19, 2021

real life

Once in awhile I get a little bump in the stats wondering where the heck did I even drop the #TomCavanaghWatch stuff, because it was like that showed up on radar and then blipped out like an alternate universe crossed paths. So if you're in some kind of weird Tom pain since the Council of Wells all fizzled out, there's always tumblr and stuff. Honestly, I can't tell ya how much I'm missing review writing and how frustrating it feels sometimes having my attention so scattered across other things. Not sure what happened recently because I've stopped watching TV except for a couple shows on CW and that's it, but hi to The Expanse and Oak Island fans suddenly circling the old pinky blog again. I don't suppose Rick ever got his own blog...

BUT. Real life. 😀

And real life.

And an odd slant on real time 'real life' as I figured out how to get a selfie while bouncing on a trampoline holding a pizza. Just noticed someone wrecked a train into the river...

Is it sad that I don't feel an hour passing on Roblox? Suddenly mama was telling kiddo it's time to hang up and I was all like wo, how is it time to end the day and fold up shop already?

And now I've been up for an hour in the middle of the night and it's 3 a.m. HA!!!! Actually, I've been like this all my life. I spring awake incredibly bored and then go find stuff to do while the rest of the world is conked out.

I made the executive decision to seriously downgrade my Elvenar involvement, so I sold one of my cities down to the bone and discovered I have all that freed up area now that I can do with as I please...


I've been wondering how other players seemed to have wide open space and leisurely opulent build placement. Now I know. I wiped the landscape and remained with chapter status and most of my wealth intact. Sweeeeet. So now I'm reconstructing my way up to sculpted city planning. I'm extremely happy about this. Nothing like starting fresh with a level 15 main hall and a golden abyss already installed.

Yep, disbanded the one-person fellowship so I can ignore the badges popping up in my way whenever the next adventure map starts up. Not going to spend a great deal of time on that world, mostly just playing with wide open spaces. Need to free up my invested time.

Also slightly overdrew my bank account this week, don't want -$4 to snowball into major fees and a much bigger deficit, so I've got to run in sometime today and chunk some cash into that account. Youtube has politely been letting me know it would like me to pay attention and unblock my bank OR IT'LL KEEP INTERRUPTING MY YOUTUBE BROWSING. My goodness, heard ya the first time, free-hosting-site-with-expired-perks. Geez.

Good morning, world. My coffee is ready. 💕

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