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-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Sunday, May 9, 2021

one on one

I'm still seeing and hearing a lot of stuff about decalcifying your pineal glands. That's all fine, I have no problem with a healthy functioning interface organ, but there is one thing I want to point out again for those who are confusing this issue with something else, since the pineal gland purportedly functions as our third eye when we are healthy.

For those who are wondering what in the world this even is, the deep state allegedly uses things like flouride to block our innate sense of intuition, as it affects our pineal glands. There is way more, and I have no doubt it's true. However, part of this information is getting entangled with spirituality in general, and I have something to say about that.

God does not need for your pineal gland to be decalcified to talk to you. You do not need to do this thing first to go inside yourself and find that still small voice. The Source of us all is not stymied by the amusing kryptonite of a calcified pineal gland.

Some of you might be getting the idea that you must straighten something up BEFORE you can find or hear what is inside of you when you let go of your cares and woes. Pretty sure nothing could be further from the truth. At any point in our existences, Whoever we come from is with us anyway, and all we need to be able to hear and see is to step back from the immediate grip of ego inflated with worries and fears and whatever other emotions grip us and simply ask for guidance, clarity, help, wisdom, whatever it is that we need.

If a blocked up pineal gland can prevent Source or God or Whoever from helping you, or stop you from finding God, as it were, then it stands to reason that there is nothing we can really do if God is more helpless than we are. Think it through. If this is the case, then we'd have to be *perfectly* healthy to even approach God, and that is not the case at all.

Don't let what you see about getting your lives back on track dismay you from seeking your inner peace and guidance, your relationship with That which is higher than you. Decalcifying your pineal gland is good, yes, but even evil people do that, so realize that it's not *the* doorway to spiritual connection, more like it's your natural intuition interface.

If you have been bummed out because this has looked hard and you weren't sure what to do, first step is ALWAYS go inside yourself and talk to God. The rest sorts itself out. Don't be intimidated by the big movements pushing other concepts all around the One Thing that comes first. Everything in your mind, body, and soul could be broken to bits, and God will still be right there with you. I know this because I'm still here. I didn't make it this far alone, and I certainly didn't make it this far because I decalcified my pineal gland. Kudos to others for sharing important information that helps us, but sometimes you just push it all aside and have a one on one with the One.


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