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Monday, May 3, 2021

what Obi-Wan wished he'd felt

I texted this yesterday.


And this morning I see this.

For easier reading-

On Sat. 1 May Day the Quantum computer activated. We were a go with a Green Light.

By Sun. 2 May at 12:30 am EDT sign offs had been completed and at 2:09 pm EDT* the RV teams had locked down rates and procedures for the Tier 4B Shotgun Start.

Tier 4B would do appointments at Redemption Centers, with new rates similar to previously reported (see Exchange/Redemption Information in below #L).

Restored Republic BQQM Week Timeline:

Sat. 1 May: Mayday, Ten Days of Darkness began a global shutdown of media and start of GESARA/ NESARA Debt Relief.

On Sun. 2 May at midnight EDT the Emergency Broadcast System would activate according to a Brigadier General. Ward, Patriot Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmyjleOq69I

Mon. 3 May: US Military on High Alert. Massive Cyber Attacks expected. A Brigadier General said the Emergency Broadcast System would activate Sun. 2 May at midnight EDT.

Tues. 4 May: New Republic to begin.

Thurs. 6 May: EBS Star-link Start public announcement, Martial Law worldwide and Global Currency Reset (GCR).

Fri. 7 May: JFK Jr. and Caroline Besset-Kennedy would be confirmed as US VP and 2nd Lady.

Thurs. 20 May: End of Trump’s Executive Order#13848 National Emergency Act. Tax deadline extended by Military to Thurs. 20 May end of Q Clock.

* I wish the timestamps were more stringent on that message app I was using, but basically, I got that feeling like a big group of people had just collectively relaxed after years of tension around noonish yesterday, and the lockdown rates completed by an hour later my time. I think what I felt was from a verbal announcement to a physically present group of people in real time as all that was being finalized.

It is done. As is GESARA. Rejoice the white hats have done it!

GESARA is an Event String. A point from which a whole string of events unfold to create a new reality. A turning point in your personal lives as well as the genetic mind/collective unconsciousness of this planet. A new time stream if you will. An event string that will usher in med beds, abundance, peace, righteous interaction with our peers and immediate contacts. But it is so much more than that.

 GEASRA is the event that affects not only of this planet, but the entire Universe. It has been written in the texts older than 3-4 thousand years, and written in the texts of the inner planets. It is an event string that causes ripples throughout the entire Universe.

You are living in the most significant times in Universal history, never mind earth’s history.

I also really liked what Ron Giles wrote. I won't quote that, you can go read it if you want.

I dunno if a switch gets thrown and there is a planetwide sync with media soon, but whatever happens, see you on the other side. Personally, I think the rollout will be a little slower than that because they're still wanting people to 'come to' on their own.

In the meantime, here are my latest chicken vids! 😁

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