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Monday, August 10, 2020

covid hair problems


I'm the sort of person, though, that plasters colorful stickers over mistakes so I can't see them. Scott corrects me and says they are "labels" because he prints tape and the other department prints labels, but I will always call them stickers.

Finding ways to screw up my editor...


Hang on a sec, watching  a fictionalized basketball game from the 90s.

The good ol' days, right. The 90s kinda sucked for me but it all turned out. I'm good with it.

This sad movie (pathetic, not actually sad) is reminding me how glad I am to be off the market, as it were. Don't miss any of that one bit. I never even think about if I could go back and have a do-over. None of that bothers me. I was just so glad to get scooped up into a good place, and as long as I resisted over not trusting anyone, I am certainly very lucky. I look back and feel lucky. And that's a pretty nice place to be when all's said and done.

My editor is so screwed. 😂 I have to keep going into html just to do anything. This whole movie is a group of friends sabotaging each other's relationships. Like, it doesn't occur to any of them to walk away from the group. Scott and I both walked away from that crap.

Gear grind, can't wait till my hair grows out. Covid, summer heat, and stupid masking inspired me to self butcher up to my eyes, and the bedhead is getting ridiculously untameable. I feel like my hair is in an awkward teenager phase. Mousse only makes it worse. Trying to do anything aside from a total new shampoo cycle is pure fail.

Wo, k. The movie just got good. Harry fired up a chainsaw. Relationship sabotage just got fun. God, I wish I'd gone that mental when I was in the middle of that crap. Might've been more enjoyable. I'd be even more famous among a certain little group. All the things I've never shared... All the things I learned about philosophers through idiots quoting them. Maybe this movie is hitting too close to home, but I stopped being that passive aggressive a long time ago. Whoever wrote and funded this movie was pure passive agressive when they filmed. That was the 90s, wasn't it? Passive aggressive philosopher quoting. Except my crap happened in the 80s, so add the big hair.

And just like that, the movie is over.

Time to pull my head together and figure out what I'm doing this week. Laterz.

:edit: Scott and I watched this super historically accurately filmed fictionalized movie last night that suddenly sprung insulated underwater electrical cables on us in the 1700s and I about had a fit. Everything up to that point was believable, and then they ripped the world up out of the blue and completely rewrote the last 20 minutes of the movie into unexplainable scifi smashup, and the craziest part was Ben Franklin actually admiring whoever came up with the sabotage machinations, because it was way beyond anything he had tried... Even though the movie ended with a footnote sporting a recent true find about a crude electrical grid found on his old property, it certainly didn't explain the insulated cables magically showing up. I'm super bangheadonwallsloppysloppysloppy why the hell all the historical accuracy if they were going to pull that crap?

I don't watch TV very well...

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