-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Malice in Underwearland: Following the Black Rabbit

 Think mirror.

Pic clicks to pinterest
Pinterest locates source at 

which doesn't link through but can be accessed in an image search with 
"alice in wonderland showcase of impressive cosplay photography"
I found no other cache or wayback machine archive.

Last night was wretched for sleep for some reason, so I played on my phone for a long time and finally made coffee and crawled off to a total nap fail (coffee usually does the trick for an early morning nap). One of those days. Collected myself in the shower, started laundry, then settled on the couch for some lucid spacing outing, like I used to do in the olden days when my sleep disorder was at its height. And then the title of this post popped into my mind out of the blue and *BAM*, wide awake again.

So I monkeyed around on my phone some more, found a really old Pinky post called follow the pink rabbit, and then slid back into spacing outing while I watched the vid I had posted there.

You know that flared jacket with red lining is a flayed skin, right? I've flayed animals during butchering. I know what flayed is.

Why is the white rabbit flayed?

No one ever asks that.

You know what Black Mass is, right?

Little rabbits are skinned on the alter as a blood sacrifice.

Adrenochrome white rabbit was removed but is still cached for now. Some quotes:

  • Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine).
  • This is what you find at the bottom of the rabbit hole after researching the latest sexual scandals in Hollywood and politics. Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone, also known as carbazochrome, is a hemostatic, meaning it reduces capillary bleeding.
  • Adrenochome follow the white rabbit What is adrenocrome? How is it made? How big of a demand? How many children missing per year prior 2016? The world’s elite feed on adrenochrome.
  • Is ritual rape, child sacrifice and the use of Adrenochrome a conspiracy theory? 1. Made from the adrenaline from a living human, through Satanic Ritual Torture.
  • The evidence that has swayed me are the “rabbit” structure of adrenochrome molecule and endless “white rabbit”, blood sacrifice, and adrenochrome references in both “dark” culture (pop music, art, movies, tech) and “light” (US military, Q, Trump).

It's up to you to dig more on that one, but I'll give you this one and suggest turning it 90 degrees till you see the 'rabbit', or just click on this and scroll down the page.

In case you'd like to know how this relates to world politics, the NSA had everything backed up on servers regarding internet and devices, including dark web, purchases, etc. When Trump went globe trotting early on in his presidency, he took stacks of print outs, very thoroughly documented collections of child porn and child sex trafficking, to present to each leader in the countries he visited. They were each in turn given the choice to capitulate to Trump and join the effort for GESARA or suffer immediate consequences for crimes against humanity. Anyone can investigate this trail and see all the pictures from these escapades, with world leaders each demonstrating through ritual and position of authority who the real world leader now is.

Since that has happened, the largest porn and trafficking sites on the internet have been removed, worldwide human trafficking networks are being purged, and many many people have been rescued from very wretched slavery.

There is still a long way to go. Our societies all over the world are saturated with religious and politically sanctioned child rape and sacrifice, the normalization of pedophilia, and millions who still look the other way even if they don't agree that is ok.

When humans tear each other up for sexual gratification and blood drugs, that is not ok.

And then you get into the red shoes... When you see the wealthy wearing red leather shoes, that is leather made from human skin. Might be worth clicking over to this vid and checking out the comments.

There is so much more, but this is the gist of it in a nutshell. I've slogged through nearly 3 years of Q urging us to research and find all this stuff, source it, and get it out to the public because your news streams won't.

We're coming to the end of this part. In three months there will be another election, and then the rest of this crap gets cleaned up. Lotta change coming.

It's really hard not to assume people resisting this change are into pedophilia, but we keep reminding ourselves that some are just stubbornly determined to remain ignorant and parrot the propaganda the screens and monitors keep spewing into their brains. It's gonna be brutal on you guys waking up.

Please. Wake. Up. It's time to finish this.

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