-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

warzone readiness

I'm up at 1:30 a.m. I kept popping awake after short dream bursts and didn't want to get up and kept sliding back asleep, dreamed another, immediately woke up again and decided there is too many coming, I can't remember all this later. They are all coding dreams, probably things other people see all the time but I never have. I was shown these things, have never run into or seen them before personally.

In one dream I was shown that directive on/off switch codes were embedded in the root system. This meant that every line that had a command could be manipulated by updating the root, which wasn't available to the user of whatever product. The switch was default, but the user could use a button type area to switch on or off, thinking they had control over something, but in reality, this was embedded as part of the root system, so it could be manipulated back to default without user knowing or consent. IF this is true, then I can understand why my facebook privacy settings were being bumped back to a public default every time they did an update through the years, which was maddening for me. I'm not saying that as fact, just it would make sense.

In another dream I was shown how a 'mirror' was built into the coding of whatever by a sort of string command, like a long string of gobbledygook that literally embedded a 'sentence' of actions mimicking the rest of the coding translated into a different kind of coding language. It was like a sort of editor worm that would/could incorporate structure change into itself as a sort of keycode, kind of like a path command relay to offsite copy or something. It was hard to understand, but the word 'mirror' popping into my head was easy to grasp, so that dream was very short and fast.

There were two more but they've already started fading as I'm writing and waking up more.

Oh yeah. One of the dreams was a bit horrific, more like an experience dream as a user instead of a coder. I was working on a cool project where I could sort of self host a number of videos to use across a number of content hosts, but there was a horrible flaw. If I wanted to delete just one of the vids, all I had to do was click a box, but the problem was that once I had that editor open and a drop down list of delete options, clicking one box would set off clicking all of them, so I'd have to click the 'deleteall' box to take all the checks back off so I could click just one. The horrible flaw was that the coding was duplicated in the wrong place, and attempting to do anything to fix that auto 'all' check would also close the editor, finalizing the last click into a save. I didn't realize that and lost over 1000 videos because the editor closed before I could make all the little boxes unclick. There was no failsafe for 'do you really want to delete'. I think that was as close I've ever come to literally breaking out into a cold sweat from a dream than any other actual nightmare I've ever had. In the dream I lost years of work with no kind of backup. I have no idea what kind of host site it was, I'd never seen anything like that. I'm not sure what the point of that dream was except maybe it was a few years ago before everything was backed up into redundancy servers in the event of litigation or whatever. Like I found a way (in real life) to see that old youtube vids I deleted are actually still there, I just have no more access to hack them back out since I deleted. I suspect facebook is like that, too, every activity is logged and nothing is actually ever deleted, it just looks deleted to the user or to the public. I suspect it's all still there nowadays whether you want it there or not, and I don't think this is knowledge that anyone is supposed to have outside of the command structure developers.

One more dream. I'm trying to remember it. It was another code thing that I was shown. I see html all the time in editors, I know how to surf source codes and plugins, but the stuff I was shown tonight was nothing like any of that. This was kind of like source code stuff, but way more than that even because it was admin access only kind of coding. It was like opening up the code and being able to change it without an editor in the way, no user friendly webkit, as it were. Since I'm not a raw coder, this stuff is 'Greek to me' level of what some people call downloads nowadays. I've made a couple jokes in other places about downloads in our sleep, but these dreams were more like someone literally showing me something and waking me up to remember it, over and over. That one is still eluding me. I might leave the laptop on and just go back to bed, and if I pop awake again I won't lose the extra time booting up. Dream fade leeches out around 5 minutes after waking for me, and I've learned through the years that the only way I can remember is by anchoring key words as fast as possible on paper or on a blog before it fades so I can trigger the entire dream back into a memory, but that doesn't always work, either. I have to write extremely fast while it's fresh, and once it's gone it could take hours, days, even years for it to pop back into a conscious memory format. I've tried keeping dream diaries, but it's so disruptive that I'd need my own bedroom or poor Scott would be jerked awake constantly. I have to write as immediately as possible. Tonight was unlucky because he woke up the same time I did and actually got up mumbling, which was distracting and slowed me down booting up, and any talking at all usually messes up my recall. I'm surprised I got those other three out at all. I wish I had more detail, but it was fading too quickly. If I'd been fast enough, I'd have been able to write the actual coding on a couple of them before they faded. Before I was married and for a few years on the couch from severe sleep disorder, I literally slept with spirals beside me or even in my arms, but I just can't keep that up any more.

Welp, not coming back to me. It's been nearly 45 minutes since I booted up. I'm going back to bed.


It's about 8 a.m. now. Scott got me up early so we could go vote, then dropped me back off on his way to work. I'm currently dealing with a mild taper headache. I have kept my nervous system muffled for so long again, years, and now my body is adapting back to less and less hindered live feedback looping brain to body and back. I'm hoping this is the last withdraw I ever have to go through after a lifetime of low dose addictions from before I was born. This brain has been very hard to live in, but I revel in challenges, don't I? I came here to run it.

Lots of info about this vid is in the description at youtube. This one was loaded in 2014, but there are earlier versions from years before. I discovered this has also been going through adaptation all over the world and have started compiling a playlist. 

I'll be working on integrating playlists updates into my blogs today. This next playlist is my latest compilation, if you are interested in what is actually going on with the Plan. There was a recent addition last week on Covid, skip straight to that one if you really want to know what the crap is going on.

That other dream never did come back to me. It as a lot like the first one I wrote, but a very different command agenda.

I noticed that Amazon assests have been seized. I have a feeling we're about to watch a falling dominos scenario play out with monopoly corporations falling metaphorically the same way the World Trade Center towers fell, not with violence, but with the kind of greed catching up that puts a whole lot of people into prison. Stock up, guys. Three more months of world purge is at the doorstep. Brace for impact.

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