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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

type 13 planet

Something I wrote on discord 6 days ago.

I believe the whole literal globe vs flat earth thing is another one of their distractions that plants more symbols into our brains and further divides us. We feel we must choose one or the other to 'believe in'. Personally, I choose neither. I don't need to believe either one to live a good life. I don't need to fuss with someone about whether they are right to believe. This is the exact same thing as left and right, you must choose. I don't choose either one. The duality is what they use to keep grinding us, and we are so distracted we fail to realize there is a third option, and that is neutrality. When you realize that hyper geometry can contort shapes without losing integrity, you start getting the idea that we could be living on both a globe and a plane without any actual conflict.

Electric universe, guys.

Yeah, I know, I write many things in places you guys don't see and can't get to. I suppose it's useless to mention again that I have another Lexx post draft left hanging because I keep getting distracted. I'm sure some of you kinda hate me for that. I've legit got 3-4 drafts just sitting there and more stacked up in a list and a couple fans even offered to throw money at me to get those done, and I said Um, no... And then I ran off to play some more.

This is the freest I have ever felt in my life. Low pain, no kids, plenty of rest, no compulsion to grind my brain out dealing with stress and more stress... nice. Meanwhile, entire science fiction books aren't being penned out by yours truly because I've been so diverted into the joy of deep dig research beating the hell out of science fiction because it's real life.

I've been fascinated by spidroballs and hypertoruses for years. The dumbing down of education in the U.S. has done us a great disservice, as so many can no longer think above a limited box that we are told to believe in. They show us the science fiction they want us to think in the direction of, and then Neil DeGrasse Tyson confirms something, and that locks the minds into "WE BELIEVE IN SCIENCE", when really they just locked out 80% of actual science. They they start debating flat earth vs spherical planets and completely miss what is happening in their minds.

So if we're living out a simulation, and it keeps resetting, can we fix it from the 'inside'? There was a cool STNG episode where they repeated events leading to their death and a reset until finally an android got a message thru to himself past the reset that led to breaking the loop.

This idea of fixing messed up timelines is rampant in scifi. Does this mean we inherently know a truth that we can't accept? Watching TV isn't much different from dreaming. We are mass dreaming an experience together, is this how we remember more in the next loop?

I was thinking about timelines yesterday, how some people say timelines are being corrected. It hit me that the great awakening is about shifting a timeline from inside the hamster ball. If you can 'change history' with something you are doing, imagine millions of people doing this together. You could conceivably roll the entire planet into a new timeline trajectory just by exposing the biggest corruption secret on the planet, as long as the people waking up to it actually stood up trying to change things on all their micro levels, as well.

And my thoughts from there is already printed in this blog yesterday.

Discussions about time travel and CERN go back to 2011

If you don't realize that you interact with CERN every single day, you need to brush up. Click this next snip to go check that out.

That's right. Billions of us all over the world interact through CERN every single day.

We still have people dying from famines on this planet, can someone please tell me why that is not a top priority?

There is no guarantee the machine will be built. Capital investment from EU member states and other Cern participants such as the UK will be required for construction to go ahead – and a commitment to continue funding operations into the 2050s. If the financial backing is secured, construction could begin within a decade and it would take 10 years to build, meaning it would not be operational until the 2040s.

We've been discussing this in discord for two years, longer for others before I got in there.

Hi, Lexx fans. What is a type 13 planet? "Earth is a planet in the Dark Zone in a counter-orbit of the twin planets Fire and Water790 describes Earth as a "type 13 planet". Type 13 planets are characterized by a headlong rush for scientific knowledge that, without fail, culminates in the catastrophic unraveling of the very fabric of the planet.[1]
At the end of Lexx 4.24 "Yo Way Yo", Earth gets destroyed by a senile Lexx on order from 790."

You guys worn out yet?

Ok, ok, let's have some fun with this...

Tell you what, let's take a break now. This is from a really old survey I filled out on Surveypalooza.

Are the majority of your friends male or female?
Scott is in the bathroom with the door closed. It’s dark. I tap lightly and he flings the door open, full beam from his head lamp right in my eyes blinding me, and yells “WHAT! I’m about to do some delicate work!” Pieces from a light switch lie all over the counter around the sink. He says “I’m testing to see if I’ll get shocked.” I say “Um, shouldn’t you just turn the electric to that fuse off?” He says “It might make the washing machine stop.” I say “Priorities, I think I’d rather have the washer stop than you DIE.”

Exchanges like this are common. Surprises like these stopped surprising me a long time ago. I expect one day I’ll find him croaked off somewhere from something stupid. People who make the Darwin Awards don’t have SO’s stopping them. Or maybe they do and they’re like Scott, doing stuff without telling anyone first. My fave story is the guy who vacuumed a wasp nest.

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