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Saturday, January 30, 2021

all your life

Started days ago...

My action hair is coming back! 😀

I usually chop it off about once a year, mostly right after New Year's, usually take about 8 inches off and it's still long enough that no one even notices I did that. This year- I chopped it OFF twice. 😧 My anxiety was horrible after my dad died last winter, and masking made everything monumentally worse through losing my voice for 4 months and then developing a sinus abscess during summer hay fever season.

Speaking of all that, had a yearly follow up with my allergist, and he tossed a mask waiver at me and said good luck. An actual doctor note can't budge anything legally around here, even if a person has a wicked combo of asthma, COPD, and cancer. That's how ridiculous this has gotten. I can't help wondering how many people have died with masking as a secondary variable in their failing health. I lived happily on CPAP for 5 years and this year, thanks to the skin on my face becoming autoreactive to everything, I can no longer handle having silicone touching my face without my face swelling up, almost like having a latex reaction, and I know because I also have latex reactions. And titanium reactions, but that's unrelated. But it doesn't take much to trigger hyper responsive immune systems into overdrive. I've been saying for months that after this is all over, we're going to see massive action class lawsuits coming out against the leaders who set up the mandates.

There is info coming out now about In-Q-tel. I had already glanced into that, so... validated.


Rough week, but not a fail week. Might be a sort of rough month coming. I've seen other patriots aka midnight riders go through this, where they're so focused 24/7 on sifting through research and info sharing that it affects them physically, plus the national and international stress can literally be felt by some of us, and it gets to where a vacation becomes so necessary just to survive it that ignoring the red flags can be extremely wearing. Also, I wasn't kidding about the spiritual attack. This was pretty off the wall. I've had some rough nights in my life, but every single day for a full week with no way to regain control over it on my own was really overwhelming. But a great doctor and a shift nurse pointed me back into psychoneuroimmunology and *bam*, the control switch flipped and I can do this.

I did a big thing 3 days ago in the middle of all that that attracted a bit of attention from interesting places, probably the only person on the planet daring to do this thing at this time against a raging tide of belief. The day before I did that, I wrote this.
And anyone who fights back on digital platforms risks being canceled outright. Anyone resisting narrative gets banned from being part of humanity. The judgment has become so swift and severe that anyone thinking outside a very tiny box with independent thinking is quickly swarmed by drones parroting the narrative.

Some of you know I don't tolerate interaction well, even when it's 100% positive, and for years I have discouraged comments and tend not to push anyone to follow me anywhere. Stats are enough for me to see that lurkers mean way more than likes and comments. Quietly returning readers, link share stat bombs, being discovered by someone who sticks around for a few hours reading everything I ever wrote- THAT is better than likes and comments.

Part of stats, though, is that I can't tell if I might be getting a little swarmed by positive or negative views. I really don't want to know. I don't write for sensationalism, but sometimes I point out things that, once real brains are applied, come across like disturbing reveals. All I do is state what, to me, looks a bit obvious, but when no one else is also stating it, I stick out like a neon sore thumb. Takes a bit of grit to hit publish on some days.

Especially on a month that regularly triggers PTSD to the point of hypertensive crisis. This month, something very different happened. It got so bad that I was stopping breathing within moments of falling asleep every single time I fell asleep, and that lasting so long that I nearly couldn't function enough to begin breathing again once I woke up enough to start, and we clocked this several times at a full 30 minutes before I could even stand up. I'm not aware that something psychological can literally stop a person breathing in their sleep to the point of skating around the edge of an actual heart attack.

All my tests came back very healthy, minus the mild troponin levels. There was no indication that should even be happening. One night I was very abruptly awakened by my dad, who passed away last year, and I felt a remote viewer withdraw.

If you guys think spiritual warfare is possessions and exorcisms, you need to get your heads out of the TV. Spiritual warfare is opposition trying to shut you up, sometimes for good. I've seen other patriots suffer intense interruption like this, and all I can say is look up remote weaponry (it's real), look up mind control tech (it's real), look up psychological warfare (it's real), and stop assuming we don't have the science and the knowledge to do these things. Stop calling everything you don't understand conspiracy theories. And dare to stand up and speak against the peer pressure and the social media technocrats. If you can't bring yourself to publicly stand up for your own truths, maybe ask yourself why. Maybe start wondering if you really have been programmed all your life to shut up and fit in. I dunno, maybe look into the whole slave mentality thing.

I refuse to be a slave.

Maybe open your eyes and see what you've been shown all your life.

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