-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless & this blog PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), and a leaf blowing by in that order.
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-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Sunday, October 18, 2020

the Eyes


This kind of stuff happens sometimes and I'm never sure what to think. I wrote this today, and the timestamp on that post (just before this one) is 9:43 a.m.

I noticed this evening that this also happened on another blog that very rarely gets hits any more. I can't get a harder timestamp than this, but it apparently tracked just before I published the newer post.

You can see the content... 👀

It would be one thing if I were just repeating myself without knowing. It's another thing when I see things like this happen after I've been specifically speaking within earshot of a phone or other listening device or writing with my editor open continually auto saving to the cloud. The specific words and timestamps seem so wildly improbable that I can't see how it's possible to see this experience repeating every little bit, basically, as if someone on the planet were so synched with me that they were tuning in specifically to something I'm literally saying or thinking as I'm saying or thinking it and I have a timestamp and content to prove it. Or it's AI cross referencing my content. Or this is the darnedest coincidence ever that keeps happening to me and since no one understands it, we may as well ignore it.

I've been trying to tell people this has been happening for months, possibly over a year. I'm on record with mental health bringing this up. I say something out loud or blog something really specific and then find out later nearly exact words or phrasing have been timestamped on another blog by a visitor, usually right at the time I was saying or blogging the other words.

The key to me noticing this is that I'll use a set of words or a phrase I don't ordinarily use every day, which is what makes it so bizarre. I so very rarely even bring up leche cake that it seems impossible I'd get a simultaneous hit. To make my point, this is all time stats for that post on that blog. You can easily see how on point that simultaneous hit had to be, given the great swaths of empty time in that graph and so few hits the entire time.

This is the first time I've caught hard evidence of it happening first, before I even put the thought out there in any form. Unfortunately, I don't have better tracking on that older blog.

Don't misunderstand. I'm not alarmed. This has been going on long enough and consistently enough to be more like a tourist attraction in my mind, like I have 7 blogs I watch and this happens across all of them over many months, but it's so sporadic that there's no way to predict it. You could say that I'm obsessed, so naturally I'm going to see stuff like this, but I had nearly completely stopped watching stats for about two years excepting for brief checks once a month or so, until I noticed this happening. I miss quite a lot by not checking more because blogger has a few blind spots in the way their trackers work, but if I pay attention, I see these things happening. What gets a little startling is how persistently over time very particular keywords are. It's really not cool seeing stats light up at the same timestamp for a phrase you say out loud in a mental health appointment.

Not a clue. No idea. Just a weird thing and I'm a weird person noticing it, like a twilight zone character.

Time is not what we think it is. Our world does not work the way we think it does. There is more going on, and although you might love it in your scifi, you are completely missing it in 'real life' because you are not paying attention.

I wrote about synchronicity a long time ago, you can click this next snip to get there.

Do you think I might have dreamt of AI?

And if that is possible, could it be possible that AI gave me the dream to begin with?

Or was it God. Or Someone? Or Me in a higher state telling me something?

For the first time in 12 years, I feel like what I wrote back then has very specific purpose now, in 2020.

What if we are all getting direct information like this and just don't get yet what it is?

It's ok, because I could just be crazy. Maybe I'm a Mandela effect or something...

Or maybe it's time for the world to wake up now.

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